Discussions toward a better understanding of LDS doctrine, history, and culture. Discussion of Christianity, religion, and faith in general is welcome.
I wonder if any of you have tried or are willing to try for sake of comparison doing a full astrological birth chart reading (not just your simple sign). I’ve been finding the study of my own and my wife’s to be extremely accurate and enlightening as far as life’s mission, hidden talents, abilities, and foretelling the map of life’s journey from birth down to present day thus far.
My patriarchal blessing meanwhile was complete gobbledegook that would bear zero resemblance to my life if he hadn’t interviewed me before the blessing. Any similarities to my experience I can trace directly to our pre-blessing conversation
Could the ancient Babylonian soothsayers and astrologers be more inspired and wise than modern day “priesthood brethren”??? I think so
I wanted to do one, but I don't know the time of my birth and my birth certificate doesn't show it. I'm left to deal with a generic reading. My pat blessing was.... well.... I can't remember
Is anyone into the characteristics information provided via the 12-year Chinese cycle? Some people even blend that with the characteristics of the Western zodiac signs. That would yield 144 possible combinations, far more than the imagination of a single patriarch.
Would you want to be a Taurus Tiger, an Aries Monkey, a Leo Dragon, or ?
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
-- Moksha
I received my PB when I was 16. It constantly talks about following leaders, the prophet, being involved in church as much as I possibly can--it really reiterates the obedience card. It also mentions going to the temple with a righteous man and being sealed, teaching my children to be righteous, etc. I didn't get married in the temple. My husband is at church with the kids and I'm staying home today. The only part that seems to maybe apply is it stressing me to get a good secular education when I come of college age. Unfortunately, my undergraduate degree is pointless in regards to what I am currently doing. However, I applied to grad school last month. If accepted, I'll be starting grad school at 35 years old--not sure if this is considered college age.
My patriarchal blessing made more sense to me once I viewed it not as a list of things that god would bless me with but as a checklist of things the church wanted me to do.
Blessed to serve a full time mission.
Blessed to marry in the temple.
Blessed to have lots of kids.
Blessed to never say no to a calling.
I can't say much about an astrological birth chart. Full disclosure, I have a bias against them. I suspect they include generic enough statements such that anyone can read themselves into some part of their narratives.
We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
– Anais Nin
Hagoth wrote: ↑Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:47 pm
If some random person were to lend me their chart I'm sure I would find it more accurate and useful than my patriarchal blessing.
An Astrology Horoscope Experiment by mentalist Darren Brown demonstrates how we often take general and ambiguous information and infer details and meaning that apply to us personally that go well beyond what is presented in the original information. This makes me want to build a web app for uploading and comparing patriarchal blessings.
My Mom just suggested that perhaps her grandkids ought to get them early in order to better "guide" them in their lives. My siblings who got it when young agreed with her. I got mine young also and as was said it talked about going on a mission, being a good student and getting married in the temple and remembering temple covenants and using the priesthood. So I'm quite sure that most everyone's blessing sort of talks about doing these things that the church wants. It's another sort of tool that keeps people in the "Good ship Zion" or the "covenant path". In other words, it is another tool that the church uses to wield undo influence right?
stuck wrote: ↑Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:39 pm
My Mom just suggested that perhaps her grandkids ought to get them early in order to better "guide" them in their lives. My siblings who got it when young agreed with her. I got mine young also and as was said it talked about going on a mission, being a good student and getting married in the temple and remembering temple covenants and using the priesthood. So I'm quite sure that most everyone's blessing sort of talks about doing these things that the church wants. It's another sort of tool that keeps people in the "Good ship Zion" or the "covenant path". In other words, it is another tool that the church uses to wield undo influence right?
Get a copy of your Mom's, make one for each of your kids with the name changed. Throw in a couple of specifics that "the patriarch couldn't have possibly known," and you'll be in good shape.
Better yet, you write a blessing for them that they can use as a guide for the way you hope their lives will go, rather than how the church hopes they will go. Better to get guidance from someone who actually knows and loves them than from an assigned cold reader. You can have a friend pose as the patriarch and give them that blessing. Sure, it's kinda sneaky but it's not as sneaky as the sh*t some of the patriarchs in the Bible pulled to get the blessing they wanted!
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
stuck wrote: ↑Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:39 pm
My Mom just suggested that perhaps her grandkids ought to get them early in order to better "guide" them in their lives. My siblings who got it when young agreed with her. I got mine young also and as was said it talked about going on a mission, being a good student and getting married in the temple and remembering temple covenants and using the priesthood. So I'm quite sure that most everyone's blessing sort of talks about doing these things that the church wants. It's another sort of tool that keeps people in the "Good ship Zion" or the "covenant path". In other words, it is another tool that the church uses to wield undo influence right?
Get a copy of your Mom's, make one for each of your kids with the name changed. Throw in a couple of specifics that "the patriarch couldn't have possibly known," and you'll be in good shape.
Better yet, you write a blessing for them that they can use as a guide for the way you hope their lives will go, rather than how the church hopes they will go. Better to get guidance from someone who actually knows and loves them than from an assigned cold reader. You can have a friend pose as the patriarch and give them that blessing. Sure, it's kinda sneaky but it's not as sneaky as the sh*t some of the patriarchs in the Bible pulled to get the blessing they wanted!
Yeah that's a great idea. It would be cool to write my kid's patriarchal blessings Yeah since my faith crisis, the whole thing about Jacob getting the birthright instead of Esau has bothered me. Isaac still believed he was giving the birthright blessing to Esau because he was wearing animal skins on his arms so he wouldn't know differently
stuck wrote: ↑Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:55 pm
Isaac still believed he was giving the birthright blessing to Esau because he was wearing animal skins on his arms so he wouldn't know differently
And then Jacob did the crossed-arms things to fool Ephraim and Manasseh about who was actually getting the blessing.
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
I think they are both equally useful as in not at all.
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“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
― Thomas A. Edison