Wake-up Call for Mormon Women

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Wake-up Call for Mormon Women

Post by moksha »

Mormon Stories recently did a podcast with Sandra Tanner on the Polygamy Revelation to Emma Smith in the LDS Doctrine and Covenants.

This podcast is much more than a simple discussion. It serves as a wake-up call and general pull your head out of your butt for women in the Church. Look what a mockery and slander this revelation made of Jesus and look what an exhibition of Joseph's narcissism this particular revelation contains. Narcissism of Trumpian proportions, for soon after this Smith declared himself to be king and high priest of the world.

1577: The TRUTH About Joseph Smith's Polygamy w/ Sandra Tanner - pt 3

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Re: Wake-up Call for Mormon Women

Post by hallew »

I listened to part one, started part two, and will get to part three at some point. I have to take this stuff in small doses.

This morning I turned on my audio book while commuting. A conversation between characters was given about a god giving wild wolves the option of being able to turn into humans. Some of the wolves opted to have the option to transform back and forth between wolf and human. Some of the wolves opted to remain as wolves. The reason the god gave the option and didn't force it was because there could not be equality in relationships otherwise.

This struck me hard. My mind immediately jumped to Emma and all those other women who did not have an option in their husbands practicing polygamy. How can marriages be healthy, respectful, equal--when the history of polygamy (and current eternal polygamy) destroys all of that? It's ghosts still affects marriages.
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deacon blues
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Re: Wake-up Call for Mormon Women

Post by deacon blues »

This is a great podcast. It made me reflect about how many times Church classes I've attended have been diverted from polygamy. It's obvious from a focus on D&C 132 why they don't want to talk about it. Section 132 show a narcissistic, dictatorial, obsessive Joseph, not a kind and loving God.
At times I have thought about just reading D&C 132 in a F&T meeting to open TBM eyes. The text is so repulsive. No wonder the Church avoids it, or insists on trying to rationalize it away. :cry:
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Re: Wake-up Call for Mormon Women

Post by Cnsl1 »

Over 30 years ago, recently married and maybe a year and a half returned from a mission, I remember having a mini shelf moment while reading D&C 132 as part of Sunday School class. I talked to my wife about it, I asked the wise gospel doctrine teacher, who suggested there was some implied added some words that were not in the text. I can't remember the exact conversation, but I remember my wife and I both kind of shrugging and moving on.

Even as young, ingrained believers, we could tell there was something wrong. But, like a lot of people, we didn't worry about it and carried on.
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