Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

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Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by hallew »

Awhile ago I read on the church website that women could only be sealed to more than one man when all parties were deceased.

I can't help but scratch my head on this one. If a woman's first husband (who she was sealed to) passes and she remarries, what difference does it make in being sealed to the second husband while they are both living vs them waiting for death for the sealing to happen?

Is there some kind of loophole in proxies completing the work vs live individuals?

Is this just another patriarchy flex?

I just can't wrap my head around this. It seems like something that's low hanging fruit the church could change.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by Hagoth »

That's a surprise to me. My understanding was that a woman can only be sealed to one man, period.

I knew a couple who were planning to get married. She went to the temple for her endowment and also had her dead husband's work done. They said, "hey while you're here you might as well get sealed to your husband." When her fiancé found out he called off the engagement because now her card was punched for the other guy and he was looking for an eternal wife.

In another case, my wife's friend was told she couldn't get sealed in the temple again until the First Presidency approved her temple divorce from her ex, who was by now also sealed to the woman he had cheated on her with. Unless the High Sherriffs approved, the two women would be forced to share the scumbag for Eternity Eternity Eternity Eternity

Both of those were some time ago, so maybe something in the unchanging gospel has changed since then?
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by no1saint »

Hagoth wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:57 am That's a surprise to me. My understanding was that a woman can only be sealed to one man, period.

I knew a couple who were planning to get married. She went to the temple for her endowment and also had her dead husband's work done. They said, "hey while you're here you might as well get sealed to your husband." When her fiancé found out he called off the engagement because now her card was punched for the other guy and he was looking for an eternal wife.

In another case, my wife's friend was told she couldn't get sealed in the temple again until the First Presidency approved her temple divorce from her ex, who was by now also sealed to the woman he had cheated on her with. Unless the High Sherriffs approved, the two women would be forced to share the scumbag for Eternity Eternity Eternity Eternity

Both of those were some time ago, so maybe something in the unchanging gospel has changed since then?
I have heard my parents discussing that it has been approved and that the decision was based on things will be dealt with in the next life.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by blazerb »

no1saint wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:15 am I have heard my parents discussing that it has been approved and that the decision was based on things will be dealt with in the next life.
This is the great catchall for Mormons. My mom told me that, since we don't know who the woman will want to be married to and we can't wait to seal her to someone because 2nd coming, this was the best way to deal with it. I have heard apologists explain that polygamy was required because of sealing. It seems to me that the doctrine of sealing has caused more problems than it ever solved.

I suspect that sealing was a great excuse to get married to multiple women for JS. He sees Hyrum mourning for his lost wife. He says you'll see her again if we perform this ceremony. Of course, Hyrum isn't going to remain unwed for the rest of his life, so he has to be sealed to more than one woman. Then JS realizes that if there are going to be multiple wives in heaven, why not here on Earth. He's already been caught in the filthy scrape in the barn. He can legitimize the affairs.

Of course, the women's perspective is never considered. It's what charismatic male leaders have done for centuries.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by 2bizE »

I’ve never read the policy, but women can be sealed to more than one man….
My MPs mother was sealed to more than one man. Father and mother have kids. Father dies. Mother remarries and joins church. Mother is sealed to step father. Once mother dies, children seal mother to deceased father. Mother is now sealed to Father and Step father.

I’m also pretty sure exceptions can be made by FP. For example, a young couple is married. One week after marriage in temple, the husband dies. The wife is now destined to spend entire life not sealed to a man she remarries.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by Hagoth »

Oops, I overlooked the "when all parties were deceased" part. Nevertheless, I'm sure the FP will allow for any arrangement that suits their fancy, and deny others for no obvious reason.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by Cnsl1 »

It's been a few years, but if I remember correctly, when we were trying to seal grandma to her parents, we paused because great granny was married several times and always said the third one was her favorite. That hubby had died on her. Grandma needed to be sealed to her parents, but we knew great granny didn't care for the daddy. If I remember right, we were finally told that we could seal her to all the hubbies and God would sort it out.

I don't think there used to be a whole lot of oversight or organization to the grand work for the dead. As an example, we discovered that DW's grandfather had been baptized 8 times vicariously over various temples after he passed. The most curious thing about that was that the man had been a member his whole life, and had died with his g's on.

I've since given up on trying to save any dead ancestors. It's not that I don't care about them, it's just that I don't think they need saving, especially within a church that seems to be built upon a little stone and a lot of deception. But it's interesting to see the frenetic work continue to bumble on. That same great granny has now been vicariously dunked 5 times, and is sealed for time and all eternity to a man who cheated on her and gave her an STD. I suppose I should get her hooked up with the hubby she liked best, but I also suppose that no amount of priesthood would make that woman do anything she didn't want to do, and that she's gonna do what she damn well pleases come hell, high water, or whatever heaven has to offer.

Coincidentally, this same woman opposed her granddaughter joining the church, and tried to get Brodie's "No Man Knows My History" into the hands of the people she loved.

Clearly, a woman ahead of her time.

God had damn well better bless her.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by Hagoth »

Cnsl1 wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:19 pm ... and God would sort it out.
Hey, that's exactly the same conclusion they come to in the Kirtland and Nauvoo Polygamy essay. So, that makes me ask, if God's just going to sort it all out in the end, why did Joseph have to marry teenagers and other men's wives? Wouldn't it have been so much better for him to just be content with Emma and then let God do all the matchmaking he wants after they all die?
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by Cnsl1 »

Wouldn't it have been so much better for him to just be content with Emma and then let God do all the matchmaking he wants after they all die?

But Brother Hagor, what's the fun in that? The Book of Mormon teaches us that men are that they might have Fanny.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by moksha »

My uncle was not a member, so my aunt had herself sealed to her brother. I guess that makes sense to TBMs.
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by Zeezrom »

The whole vicarious work for the dead seems so funny now. As a TBM I used to be so proud of us for not leaving “one soul behind” !!! Once I left the church and tried explaining it to my nevermo wife (who I met a while after leaving the church) I quickly realized from her reaction that what makes so much sense in the Mormon bubble sounds more ridiculous than I ever imagined from the outside.

Those poor disembodied spirits floating in the ether waiting for some human to read their name off an index card and learn Masonic handshakes so they can be free from eternal torment!!!
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Re: Current policy, maybe doctrine, about women being sealed to more than one man

Post by 2bizE »

Hagoth wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:00 pm
Cnsl1 wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:19 pm ... and God would sort it out.
Hey, that's exactly the same conclusion they come to in the Kirtland and Nauvoo Polygamy essay. So, that makes me ask, if God's just going to sort it all out in the end, why did Joseph have to marry teenagers and other men's wives? Wouldn't it have been so much better for him to just be content with Emma and then let God do all the matchmaking he wants after they all die?
God sorting out things does not bring immediate sexual pleasure….unfortunately.
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