An encounter on an airline

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An encounter on an airline

Post by 2bizE »

A few weeks ago I was on a flight back to SLC where a young woman sat next to me. She wore a long dress and white prayer covering on her head. She was headed with a group of young men and women from her church to Tremonton, Utah. I did not ask her religion specifically, but believe her to be Mennonite. A fellow friend in her church was being married according to their tradition. In a barn with a great gathering of people. She was about 18 years old. As we orders drinks, I requested a Fresca. She ordered a coffee. Black. She spoke about her church, using the word church many times. I thought of how similar our religions were. They both require a significant lifestyle commitment. I felt sorry that her entirely life evolved around her church. Then it dawned on me that I was no different. I am so mind controlled that I can't even order something as simple as a cup of coffee. At least they had a great wedding tradition that all could participate. I feel religion is such a hindrance to our potential. Someday, I hope to climb high in the trees above the cloud of religion and see what my life really could be like.
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by Silver Girl »

I see similarities, but also differences. I have lived in areas where Amish and Mennonites reside - I agree that they have strict guidelines on how to live, but they're not, in my opinion, being controlled and monitored in quite the same way.

The Amish and Mennonites, although living conservative lives and dressing in unique ways, do not put all the power in the hands of mortals and they don't have songs thanking God for someone being in charge of their entire lives. They also don't have a the opaque corporate finances the LDS church has (or those conspicuous temples).
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by moksha »

Great title. I am imagining an encounter on Pan Am flight 1023 back in 1956 between Apostle and Champion Commie Fighter, Ezra Taft Benson and an up and coming young singer named Elvis Presley. They had been assigned as seat mates in first class and the airline had instructed the stewardesses and pilots not to fuss or fawn over Elvis and to nonchalantly address him as Mr. Presley.

Neither Ezra Taft nor Elvis had a clue as to who the other person was. That was just as well since it would make for an unpleasant flight if Elder Benson got worked up into a powerful tirade about the pelvic thrusts Elvis made during his onstage song and dance as being the workings of the International Communist Party's plan to subvert the youth of America through exposing them to Negro music and Negro dance steps. Fortunately, Elder Benson preferred to tell what he had been up to in his never ending battle to rid the world of the Communist Menace and fight against farm subsidies. Elvis had the politeness to be a dutiful listener and so the flight was uneventful and neither party learned the identity of the other.

Not sure if Ezra Taft ever became certain who Elvis Presley was, but his did come down on both wild hip gyrations and Negro music being a tool of the Great Communist Conspiracy in his Church's General Conference.
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by LSOF »

Moksha, you never disappoint.
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by trophywife26.2 »

2bizE wrote: Someday, I hope to climb high in the trees above the cloud of religion and see what my life really could be like.

Even if it's something disappointing, it's still better to know the truth. Because people can deal with disappointment. And once they've done that, they can feel that they have really grown. And that can be such a good feeling. -Fred Rogers
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by Hagoth »

2bizE wrote:She was headed with a group of young men and women from her church to Tremonton, Utah. I did not ask her religion specifically, but believe her to be Mennonite.
Yup, lots of Mennonites in the Tremonton area.
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A New Name
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by A New Name »

2bizE wrote: As we orders drinks, I requested a Fresca.

OK, let's back up there. You ordered a Fresca? What airline has Fresca?????
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by 2bizE »

Delta airlines
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Re: An encounter on an airline

Post by Zadok »

Delta is headquartered in Atlanta, GA, which is also the home town of Coca-Cola. I would guess you could get ANY coke product, (well not the kind you snort), on a Delta Flight.
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