Question for jfro18

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Red Ryder
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Question for jfro18

Post by Red Ryder »

What’s your web traffic looking like at LDS Discussions?

Increasing each year?

What’s next in regards to projects you’re doing or direction you’re taking?

What about Tik Tok? Heavy traffic on your videos?

Just wondering in general if your platform clicks are increasing, decreasing, same, etc.

I’m always fascinated by the attention Anti-Mormonism continues to receive. You’d think that once everyone knows Mormonism is irrelevant, that anti-Mormonism would eventually fade away. But then again, it seems the most prominent anti Mormons are all former Mormons.
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Re: Question for jfro18

Post by jfro18 »


Web traffic is 351 page hits and 220 visitors a day... I don't know how "good" that is though. Previous year was 310 page hits and 193 visitors, so ~14% growth year over year... nothing to write home about.

I haven't done anything with the site in a while now - once I finished (for now at least) the overview project I was just burned out so I kind of set it aside.

My big plan is to take that overview project and turn it into a massively condensed PDF file that will have links to the longer topic pages. Something that would mirror the CES Letter/Letter For My Wife but have the topics I did and try to keep each one to 2-3 pages (so between 80-120 pages total for a PDF). I started that a while back and then work forced that to the back burner but I'm approaching my "slow" season for work.

The other potential project would be a podcast series going through the truth claims with Mormon Stories which would be a very straightforward overview of the topics trying to be kind/no swearing/no sarcasm/etc... I thought if I was going to do it I wanted it to be as even toned as possible while also being clear and blunt about what the evidence says.

TikTok views are pretty remarkable to be honest and I am FAR from the higher tier of "exmormon" content on there. I dont know a good way to get an overall "analytics" on there, but my videos get thousands of views a day on there which is weird considering it's such a tight niche. Some of the bigger exmo creators can post a video and get 10k views in a few hours almost regularly.

It's definitely interesting - I think at some point I'll start doing a slow fade out of the space... to a certain extent it's just rehashing what I've done now on social media. I really want to get that PDF done and the website looking a bit cleaner and then hopefully it will be something that can be useful to people for a while. :)
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