Newme wrote: ↑Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:43 pm
SaidNobody wrote: ↑Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:37 pm...Consciousness is God. Our experience is what makes us unique.
But ideas react within consciousness much like chemistry. So if someone calls us a liar or worthless it can really do a number on us. That is one of the main reasons we have to build defenses. One of the most powerful defensive techniques is "I don't care."
When you care enough to allow someone's ideas into your consciousness you become vulnerable to them. They can hurt you.
Young or sensitive souls must first learn to protect themselves and then find courage to let people in. But no matter how wise you are, once you let someone in they can hurt you. Finding the strength to tolerate the pain is the strong soul.
Learning to master your (God) own consciousness is about letting ideas in (even hurtful ideas) and not letting them wreak you.
Anyway, great thoughts.
Thanks. That’s something I need to remember - about mastering my own consciousness. What I tell myself something means is more influential (on me) than that something itself. I suppose faith is really focus with blinders... faith in this to the ignoring of alternative possibilities. Every step, every thought is faith-based - not all-knowing. Is the faith reasonable, healthy & the highest ideal?
A couple of family TBM are especially rude - but it helps to realize they’re like that with everyone & if I kind of expect it, then I’m not so upset. Also, it helps to consider where they’re coming from - to try to understand why they act as they do. And boundaries for all!

I came across a suggestion that all responses are either love or asking for love. I’m not sure if that’s true but maybe partly - even people who act mean are scared or feeling hurt so they act out that subconsciously hoping to get some kind of love or better feeling.
Sometimes I feel like a genius when I say I made up the phrase, "Truth Happens." Of course I didn't really make it up, even though I have never heard someone else say it that way. The phrase, " shit happens " is much more famous. But it's actually the reverse of my phrase.
When something happens, it is the truth. When someone lies, it is the truth. The lie, if you were to detect it and understand it reveals more about the truth then if the person had tried to explain it. A lie exposes our vulnerability and our fear. It exposes our own illusion.
Likewise, I feel like a stable genius when I say, "to understand is to forgive." When you understand the truth happens, you realize that there was no other way for it to happen. We sometimes think back, that we could have made a different choice, but we didn't. And the truth is, we couldn't have. Whatever pressures or needs or fears were upon our mind at the time, our consciousness made the choice with the best intentions with the information that it had.
Even if someone has hurt you, when you understand that it couldn't have happened any other way, your heart will forgive. I don't want to say that we don't have choice, but we really don't have choice. If you are going to make a choice, it needs to be made long before that choice ever becomes present. For example, if you choose to pass a test in a college course, then you had best choose to prepare for it. Because when the moment is upon you, the truth plays out and you really don't have a lot of say in the matter.
But even in the moment you are preparing to make a choice, there are still forces, needs, challenges, and fears that drive the choice.
Mostly, we are here to experience. The choices and the changes are made through observing. By observing the universe we change it.
If you see a need, perhaps a child in need, and the desire to help rises up within you, the truth will happen. But what if that truth is you're a drug user and all of your desires are focused into the next fix. Then that is the truth. We choose our path by observing the gateways and the opportunities. More or less, the truth happens.
We change the universe by changing how we see it. To many of us, life is a path of deadly challenges. To some of us, life is a miraculous opportunity. The difference isn't the world but rather how we see it.
Taking control of your consciousness is really the greatest challenge, perhaps the only challenge. The rest simply happens.