What is Parker?

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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

Some might say that shutting down platforms isn't about free speech but rather stopping speech that they don't approve of or that they don't like. It could be for any reason.

Even I have agreed that some so-called free speech is not appropriate. I approve of restrictions to things such as pornography and hate groups. But usually it is because these groups encroach upon the rights of others. Hey groups go out and hurt people. Pornography can promote violence and inappropriate behavior towards minors, etc.

But just talk and smack on somebody, without a specific trend of bullying, is free speech. I can say all the naughty words I want as long as they are not and fringing on a particular person's.

Some groups restrict speech in the mission statement of their group. For example, to help children get good grades, might imply restricting bad language and sexual innuendos or violence. But on open platforms, and that's something specifically breaks the law, such as a believable threat to someone, it is free speech.

I put up with four years of people threatening to kill my president, rape his wife, sodomized his child, torture his entire family, fantasize about hurting them, or imprisoning them for life in hell, versus other quite inhuman descriptions. But according to Facebook it never grows to the level of violating free speech.

I have been banned twice from Facebook. Once for saying that women could be mean, and that unless you were being paid for sex you weren't a white.

I have also been shadow band on Facebook, where my comments are not usually seen by most people. Obviously you know why.

But parler is about free speech. Amazon is not the law. Facebook is not the law. They can have their policies, but when their policy is shutting down another company because they don't approve, I say we have a serious problem.

We were so worried about Nazis getting into the government, that we weren't watching the CEOs that controlled all of our communications.
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What is Parker?

Post by shrugged »

The first amendment only protects you from the government and even that has limits when it comes to inciting violence. Do you think the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack should have been allowed to communicate their plans and recruit support on Twitter? Would Twitter have been wrong to “censor” their posts?

Given what I’m still seeing on Twitter, I hate to imagine how bad the stuff they take down is.

I find the whole debate a complex one. I don’t love censorship but understand we can’t allow the plotting of violence to go unchecked. I don’t think businesses should be required to do business with anyone else. But I get that these tech firms have become near utilities in today’s world. Selfishly, I’d like to see the President’s tweets so I know what a vile human being he is and others can decide whether to vote for someone who tweets about putting Fauci and Wray’s heads on pikes in front of the WH.

Right at this moment there is a tweet still up of a document titled Reclaiming a Superpower- Americans Prepare for War. It’s not by some random nut, it’s a person with a check mark and someone I bet everyone here has heard of. The tweet was posted on Jan 5 and includes the following:

The time for auditing the 2020 US Presidential Election has passed.
Our Remaining Options:
A) Contingent Election for US President
B) Accept obvious corruption in US Government
C) War

Anyone care to guess who tweeted this? I’ll give you a clue. It wasn’t the Ayatollah.

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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

shrugged wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:59 pm The first amendment only protects you from the government and even that has limits when it comes to inciting violence. Do you think the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack should have been allowed to communicate their plans and recruit support on Twitter? Would Twitter have been wrong to “censor” their posts?

The time for auditing the 2020 US Presidential Election has passed.
Our Remaining Options:
A) Contingent Election for US President
B) Accept obvious corruption in US Government
C) War

Anyone care to guess who tweeted this? I’ll give you a clue. It wasn’t the Ayatollah.

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If Twitter had detected illegal activity, such as the planning of 9/11, censoring their posts would have been the stupidest thing they could have done. If they were going to be helpful, they would have reported it to the FBI and the FBI or the CIA could have monitored the situation.

I am part of another platform called gab. It is a rather vile platform at this point. There is zero censorship and you can pretty much say anything you want and post any image you want. But some images are actually illegal.

But you can find images on Facebook of someone cutting the throat of a police officer. That is not censored. You could find staged videos of popular musicians shooting Donald Trump in the head. Popular comedians even hold up his head with blood pouring down it. Twice. Those images are still on Facebook and Twitter.

What did we say that they needed to shut down the entire platform? The answer is nothing. We didn't say anything. It was the idea of conservatives having their own platform that scared them. Because there is no speech that is illegal. If there is an actual threat, it should be reported to the authorities and they should handle it. People have killed themselves on live video as people bullied them and shared them on. Why wasn't Facebook shut down over those kinds of things?

The very essence of free speech is that it be free. We make some restrictions based on the protection of the delicate and the innocent. And we simply outlaw some images such as child porn because it is simply illegal. Not just to have such images but to make them.

We consider some language abusive. It's not so much the words that I might use but how I use them. I can use every cuss word in the book but as long as it is not considered abusive towards someone, they don't care. Or at least they didn't used to care.

I wish that you could see the tweets as well. And if you get a chance, please explain to me why Trump is such a vile human being. I personally find him to be awesome. He will go down in history as the best president perhaps for 400 years. We will always give honorable mention to George Washington, but quite honestly, the fight is different and much more sophisticated.

They are trying to impeach Donald Trump for a second time. They actually already impeached him. They are not going to get him out of office but that wasn't the intention. It was to ensure that he can't run for president again.

Why are they so afraid that Donald Trump is going to win the trust of the nation again? Isn't that what democracy is supposed to be about?
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by shrugged »

SaidNobody wrote:And if you get a chance, please explain to me why Trump is such a vile human being.
Because he tried to use eminent domain to take a lady’s home so he could build a parking lot for his limousines.

Because he spent years spreading lies about Obama’s birth.

Because he cheats on his wives.

Because he grabs women by the pussy without even asking them.

Because he mocks people with disabilities.

Because he called white supremacists in Charlottesville very fine people.

Because he mocks people who wear masks.

Because he hasn’t attended a coronavirus task force in months despite thousands of Americans dying everyday.

Because he pardoned Jared Kushner’s father and throughout the work of our own military’s courts to pardon war criminals.

Because he vetoed the bipartisan defense spending bill risking the timely payment of salary to our troops because it called for the removal of confederates traitors’ names from military bases.

Because he posts tweets suggesting Christopher Wray and Anthony Fauci’s be beheaded and their heads hung on pikes in front of the White House.

Because he can’t be bothered to call off the mob he incited (intentionally or not) for several hours.

Because he tells people attacking the US Capitol and our election process that he loves them and they are very special.

Because he sought at every turn to divide us rather than unite us.

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Re: What is Parker?

Post by Mormorrisey »

SaidNobody wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:23 pm But I just wanted to make sure that it was about the violence and the hate that you support this violation of our civil rights. I was on Parker. I never sad or hurt anything hateful. I have been hated on a lot on both Twitter and Facebook.

Making excuses for your Nazi and fascist behavior is no different than, well,...... what the Nazis and the fascists did.
I forgot the cardinal rule of arguing with a Trump supporter....never argue with a Trump supporter.

Let me make this as simple as possible, and then I'm done. I forgot how exhausting arguing with Trump supporters is.

Anybody advocating for killing American lawmakers, INCLUDING TRUMP, should be banned from social media, any social media. It's not a hard concept, and it certainly isn't fascism, or the end of your "civil rights." Especially when the social media company refuses to stop its followers from engaging in this kind of dialogue, it's not a hard concept to shut it down until it complies. Remember, we're not talking about "bullying," or "nasty things being said," we're talking about advocating the death of lawmakers and sedition.

Anybody advocating for insurrection against the government, be it from either the left or the right, should be banned from social media. Again, not a hard concept to follow. "Being hated on" or "hating other people" is not a criminal offence. But advocating violence against the people you hate, and that includes the government, should be, and is, grounds for cutting off one's social media voice.

I find it very hard to believe that you've never seen violence advocated on Parler, yet you claim all sorts of horrific things against Trump on other social media sites. A simple Google search will illustrate the white male conservative violent speech on Parler, just like a simple Google search will show horrific things against Trump said by the left. Just like blaming Jan. 6 on antifa, clearly you just want to pretend that white male conservatives/Trump supporters are incapable of violent speech, when there is plenty, and I mean plenty, of evidence to the contrary. And Jan. 6 is a great example of white male conservatives doing violent actions as well.

So again, instead of blaming Big Tech for the loss of your conservative echo chamber, why don't you just tell your fellow "patriots" on Parler to tone it down and follow the rules of civilized society? Even the CEO of Parler gets this to some degree, when he removed some violent Lin Wood posts. So they can moderate themselves, they just don't want to do it. But if Parler wants do a little better in reigning in violent speech, then they won't get their platform shut down. So sorry, I'm just not outraged for your loss of "civil rights," especially when Parler brought this down on themselves. Especially when they can fix it just as easily.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

shrugged wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:25 pm
SaidNobody wrote:And if you get a chance, please explain to me why Trump is such a vile human being.
Because he tried to use eminent domain to take a lady’s home so he could build a parking lot for his limousines.

Because he spent years spreading lies about Obama’s birth.

Because he cheats on his wives.

Because he grabs women by the pussy without even asking them.

Because he mocks people with disabilities.

Because he called white supremacists in Charlottesville very fine people.

Because he mocks people who wear masks.

Because he hasn’t attended a coronavirus task force in months despite thousands of Americans dying everyday.

Because he pardoned Jared Kushner’s father and throughout the work of our own military’s courts to pardon war criminals.

Because he vetoed the bipartisan defense spending bill risking the timely payment of salary to our troops because it called for the removal of confederates traitors’ names from military bases.

Because he posts tweets suggesting Christopher Wray and Anthony Fauci’s be beheaded and their heads hung on pikes in front of the White House.

Because he can’t be bothered to call off the mob he incited (intentionally or not) for several hours.

Because he tells people attacking the US Capitol and our election process that he loves them and they are very special.

Because he sought at every turn to divide us rather than unite us.

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Thank you.

I could argue every one of these, very well articulated, points, but that would long and boring.

However, when Trump heard about the violence he immediately released a statement telling everyone to go home.

Guess what? Twitter blocked the message. They then blocked his accounts. Then Facebook blocked his accounts.

Let me try a different approach.

You are not the victim here.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

shrugged wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:25 pm
Because he tried to use eminent domain to take a lady’s home so he could build a parking lot for his limousines.
He tried every legal option as well as offering her $2 million to leave her house. If he had been part of the mobI'm guessing they would have knocked her off. So he can be aggressive getting what he wants. As far as I know he remained within the law.
Because he spent years spreading lies about Obama’s birth.
You call them lies. We call them facts. Obama's own brother claims that he was born in Kenya. Obama was registered as a foreign student from Kenya. There are people who also claim that he grew up in their village in Kenya.
Because he cheats on his wives.
I am not sure what to say about this one. When you are among the rich like that it seems more like a lifestyle and an actual cheating.I have been faithful to one woman my whole life and I am not terribly disturbed by this. He seems to be on good terms with all of them at this point.
Because he grabs women by the pussy without even asking them.
I remember the phrase very well.. when you are rich they will let you. There is a Certain amount of reason why people hang around rich people like Donald Trump.
Because he mocks people with disabilities.
That was a spin done by the press. Donald Trump used that expression for a lot of people. The one time it happened to be about someone with a disability press had a hay day. Donald Trump didn't know the person had disabilities.
Because he called white supremacists in Charlottesville very fine people.
This is a classic example where the press took a phrase out of context. It wasn't but three words later where he said he completely condemns white supremacy.
Because he mocks people who wear masks.
You got me on this one. I am guilty of this too.
Because he hasn’t attended a coronavirus task force in months despite thousands of Americans dying everyday.
This is confusing. Little Trump attended many press conferences and task force meetings. He reported on them personally. But he also assigned vice president pence to the task. He didn't need to micromanage it as much as some people might assume. To say that he was on caring I think is completely ignorant.
Because he pardoned Jared Kushner’s father and throughout the work of our own military’s courts to pardon war criminals
I don't know much about this. Except, presidents need zero excuses or explanations about why or whom they pardon. Obama pardoned terrorists and drug dealers And no one asked why.

Because he vetoed the bipartisan defense spending bill risking the timely payment of salary to our troops because it called for the removal of confederates traitors’ names from military bases.
Those bills gave more money to foreign countries than they did Americans. They were ridiculous. Things like a billion dollars to the Smithsonian. 25 million dollars today Kennedy center it is closed right now. It's 70 million dollars to Pakistan for gender studies. It was a disgusting,vile, ludicrous bill

Because he posts tweets suggesting Christopher Wray and Anthony Fauci’s be beheaded and their heads hung on pikes in front of the White House
He might have gotten this idea from me.
Because he sought at every turn to divide us rather than unite us.
from the very first moment of him winning the election You never had any intention of uniting with the other side. The hatred has been so vile these past few years. And they all thought they were getting away with it. You think you can hate people and call them Nazis and fascists without that sort of spirit blowback come back on yourself.
Last edited by SaidNobody on Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by hmb »

SaidNobody wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:41 pm Some might say that shutting down platforms isn't about free speech but rather stopping speech that they don't approve of or that they don't like. It could be for any reason.
If I owned a company like Amazon, Apple, or Google, Facebook, or Twitter, I would feel the need to shut down these sites for my own safety. I mean, I would not want to offer a platform for organizing violence because it could come back and bite me legally. Personally, I'd rather think that it's noble to shut down these platforms that allow violent organization because it's the responsible thing to do, but COME ON, MAN, it's also about legal losses, which boils down to $$$.

When my children were little, we would go to Yosemite and they would ride the donkeys on trail rides. We signed a waver that we took responsibility for the minimal risk, but there is risk in riding a donkey, horse, elephant, ostrich, or tapir. A child was thrown off a donkey (not while we were there) and died. Regardless of the waver, the parents sued and no more donkey rides. That's how it works. Roller rinks, ice rinks, donkey rides, and the like have disappeared in large number, since insurance is far too expensive for these companies to make a profit. If I want to ski off a cliff, wearing a parachute, I have to do it in another country. It sucks, but that's the way it is.

Maybe you can look at it as a money-to-be-lost issue as much as a shutdown to "free speech" issue.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

hmb wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:08 am
Maybe you can look at it as a money-to-be-lost issue as much as a shutdown to "free speech" issue.
They let Trump back on Facebook and Instagram. They lost probably more than $75B in stock value among three or four of the companies.

They are going to take the cameo of Donald Trump in Home alone 2 out. I'm sure that was dangerous for the kids to watch.

They will probably never recover from this. At least half of the nation has seen that Trump was right about them trying to take away our free speech. The infamous QANON had also predicted that Trump would be kicked from the platforms. If he was right about that, then he could be right about other things.

Some say this is all a dramatic production. Trump is just a TV actor. People and companies are thrashing about in the swamp exposing themselves and Incriminating themselves. Like people think trying to impeach a president just before he leaves office is justified. But what if there's evidence of criminal activity? What if it is proven that they are trying to protect themselves in a crime? Then such behavior becomes actual and real acts of sedition and treason.

Was Donald Trump really so stupid as the take on the entire corrupt Washington machine without the necessary backup?

For example: Lieutenant General Flynn was a general in military intelligence. He knew the secrets of all dirty things done in Washington and abroad. He was the one general that Obama hated.

Isn't it really weird how he's so easily fell into the trap? And in that trap he was interrogated by the federal government. As part of the law he must divulge all crimes that he knows about. Not just crimes that he may have been in, but crimes that he knows about. And oddly enough he knows about them all. But he also was sworn to secrecy on most things. He would never be able to divulge even for his own behalf things that might go against government secrecy or national security.

But for almost the entire 4 years Trump was president General Flynn has been documenting and divulging all the crimes that he knows about. Which is probably enough fire and brimstone to take most of Washington to a level of honesty that even the saints could enjoy it.

Many things that were unprecedented and yet still happened. Sometimes it appeared that it was against Trump and that he was frustrated and could do nothing about it. But then when turned on it's side could have been part of it perfectly set trap. But that is yet to be seen.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by Mormorrisey »

So I was pretty sure I was done with this conversation, until a friend sent me this:


Apparently, some eager beaver over at Propublica managed to download every video about the Jan 6 insurrection that was downloaded at Parler before the site went down. There are over 500 of them, so literally hours of footage of the Trump crowd at the capitol, and they've managed to put them in a timeline and in three separate parts; larger DC, just outside the capitol, and inside the capitol. I have spent all afternoon and into the early evening looking at these videos, and I've only gone through about half of them. And these videos are pretty clear; the shutting down of Parler wasn't about free speech or civil rights, or "cancelling the speech of conservatives." That's nonsense. Parler had people on it that were advocating violence, insurrection and sedition, and Parler did nothing about it. It's pretty clear, and the evidence comes in several forms.

1) Clearly some of the the people on Parler were uploading videos advocating the death of lawmakers. Here's what I heard on these videos, and this is just a sample of about half the videos I watched. And remember, they were uploaded on to Parler, which somebody on this very forum claimed to have never seen violence advocated on Parler.

- A chant of "Hang Mike Pence!" for about a minute.
- A bunch of people chanting "traitors!", and then someone yells "Find the traitors and drag them out by their hair!"
- A bunch of people chanting "Kill the swamp monsters!"
- Someone shouting "Where's Pelosi? Find Nancy!", to which someone else replied, "Shoot her!"
- In this context, the constant chants of "Find the traitors!", is pretty disturbing.
- A guy pretending to yell into a phone, "Where's that b----h Pelosi? Tell her we're coming! And that traitor Pence too!"
- Again in this context, constant shouts of "Treason" are pretty problematic.

So it's simply not true, a lie, a misrepresentation, a falsehood, that there was no violence advocated on Parler - and of course, that's just counting these videos, not the posts calling for the deaths of American lawmakers. Of which there are many examples, too, just look at the Amazon filing I mentioned in an earlier post. No wonder they shut this crap down. Kudos to them.

2) These videos very clearly, show insurrection and sedition. And you don't have to look at posts claiming this, one can see insurrection and sedition IN REAL TIME, BEING FILMED BY THE VERY PEOPLE TRYING TO TAKE OVER "THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE." Shouting "It's 1776, baby!" is the least of the chanting. If these people weren't so deadly serious, it would be more amusing. At some point, I would love to make a film called, "The Revolution Wore Yoga Pants." Because I swear that's what people were wearing the most at the storming of the capitol. In any event, clearly Parler did nothing to shut down advocating insurrection and the overthrow of the government, and I'm not buying that free speech should cover sedition. Give me a break. When you have videos uploaded to Parler where people are in the Senate chamber room, and one guy wonders aloud, "should we form a government now?" It's pretty clear what these people were up to. And it wasn't a nice stroll to visit a national landmark.

3) Antifa, my a$$. All you have to do is watch about five minutes of these videos of who is storming the capitol, and it ain't antifa. Another lie and falsehood. What's so incredibly stupid of the Q brigade, is that in the middle of a pandemic, where wearing masks is perfectly acceptable behaviour, they decided to forgo said masks in their little rebellion. Which will make it very easy for the authorities to find out who these clowns were, and arrest the lot of them. Which they are in the middle of doing, and you know what? Almost 100% of them are Trump supporters, not "left-wing agitators." One of the most ludicrous examples of this, I saw a little old lady decked out in her MAGA gear, she must have been in her seventies looking very confused, and a voice off camera says, "Careful, Granny, that's tear gas." Unreal. Yeah, I'm sure this was antifa. Get a grip, anybody who thinks so. And of course, all these antifa supporters posted these videos to that well-known socialist social media site Parler, instead of their own sites. Please.

All of this is to say, the shutting down of Parler was not about "cancelling conservative voices" at all. It was shutting down a place where people felt very comfortable threatening American lawmakers with a traitor's death, advocating insurrection and calling for civil war. Good riddance, I say. Again, if somebody wants to start a social media site for conservatives, I think that's great. But if you want it to remain in the blogosphere, maybe tone down the violent and hateful speech/media, and maybe stop calling for civil war and overthrowing the government? That would probably keep your site up.

And I'm not posting this to argue with SaidNobody. I'm sure none of this will convince SN at all. But if there is anybody who thinks that antifa was behind it at all, or that Parler is just a conservative echo chamber that did nothing wrong, well, this post is for you. To encourage you to do your own research, watch these videos, and see for yourself. Maybe you'll come to a different conclusion, and that's cool. But it's pretty clear to me.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

Thanks for not trying to convince me or argue with me. That way, I don't have to argue or convince you.

What I heard you say was that "things were said and Big Tech, (google, amazon, Twitter, Facebook, etc) took it upon themselves to "purge" almost 7 million conservative accounts and kill an independent company. These words on Paler were so dangerous, they expelled the POTUS from almost every platform."

Ok, you correct me if I'm wrong, but that is basically what you said. "Hang Pence, where's Nancy, etc." In order to stave off an insurrection, Big Tech violated the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans. Even though Congress had submitted evidence that Antifa WAS INVOLVED and that members of congress might have actually been part of the planning, this is still OK?

So, when BLM and antifa are screaming, "cops are pigs, fry them like bacon" this didn't disturb anyone. In fact, MSM gave them extra airtime. As the city burned in the background, MSM reported that there was no violence but that these were mostly peaceful protests.

OK, the Left nearly burned the city when a baker didn't want to put a "gay message" on a cake. But when conservatives want a place to talk, companies not only block them, they feel free to destroy platforms that welcomed them. Parler wasn't a conservative platform, just most conservatives came as they were made unwelcome on other platforms.

I don't know what was said in the videos but it doesn't matter. Bill de Blasio's daughter set a cop and fire and he thanked her for getting involved. The hypocrisy isn't worth pointing out. But freedom of speech says that I get to say what I want. If democrats can march through the streets calling for the death of Donald Trump, why can't people do that for Nancy? I wouldn't, but I'm saying there is no right, or moral high ground, or justification in attacking conservatives like this. I could show clip after clip where Democratic congresspersons and senators called for violence against Trump supporters. They walk into the restaurants and force people to raise the fist to Black Power. They organize on Facebook and Twitter. These Democrats are ACTUALLY ATTACKING people and their rights, literally beating them if they don't submit. But this is all called peaceful protest.

I'm saying you have a perspective problem. If you think it is ok to silence people that you don't like, then free speech is dead. I mean, I know it's dead, but I had hoped that we could still believe in it. Big Tech wasn't elected to police us. Sure, they are private companies. But that didn't matter when a baker didn't want to write a gay message on the cake. But when they actually destroyed another company because they didn't like what was said...... I mean, please, guys. There are sites out there that promote rape porn or snuff porn, or child rape, and no one is going after those sites. This had videos of people chanting stuff like, "where is nancy?" Oh for god's sake. Do you remember the night Trump won, people like Lady Gaga had a bullhorn in the streets of NYC screaming, "f*ck Donald Trump" or Madonna wanting to blow up the White House, or Henry Ford wanting to put Melania and Baron in cages with rapists.

Please, please, don't delude yourself that this isn't about free speech. I don't like those things said about Trump and his family. But I wasn't promoting anyone to have their rights taken away. I was happy to have some people visited for making threats against the first family, but I don't think they should have their voice taken away until they were convicted.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

So I watched about 50 of the videos of the link.

I watched the "faked call to Nancy." I watch them call the cops traitors. Nancy, we are coming for you. This is our house. We did it.

I saw a half accounts of people saying that they believed that Antifa had started the trouble. I heard a few people say they are been tear-gassed but told the cops that they loved them. People said, "don't break anything, you don't want to be liable."

Either you have been completely blind to the riots for the past 8 months, or your hatred for conservatives goes way too deep.

Don't get me wrong. I am for law and order. Those people need to be charged and reminded of the limits of the law. However, what angers me, what looks like a rowdy-redneck visit to the capital is treated like a terrorist attack. While cities actually burned Dems just turned a blind eye, even encouraged the "peaceful protesters" that burned police stations, fleets for cops cars, killed up to 50 people.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by Mormorrisey »

Now this has taken an interesting twist, we've gone from "I've never seen violence on Parler," to "well there is violence but it's not that bad," to "what about antifa violence?" That's quite an about face. And it kind of reveals where you are. And don't worry. You've only seen 50 videos of this stuff, you only have 450 to go!

Lookit, you seem convinced that somehow I hate conservatives because I think Parler should be shut down. I don't hate conservatives, but I am certainly concerned with some of my children living in the United States about people calling for violent death of their opponents, and overthrowing the government. And that's why Parler should be shut down, along with ANY voice that calls for violence, from the left or the right. I don't know how many times I have to say this. I repeat, any voice, from any political spectrum that calls for the death of American lawmakers or citizens, or calls to overthrow an elected constituted government, should be silenced. So let me give you an example to make this as simple as possible, and maybe you can understand.

If Antifa ran a social media platform, called "Leftists Calling For the Death of Donald Trump and Overthrowing the Government," and only a few of their adherents actually called for the death of Donald Trump and overthrowing the government, you know what I hope would happen? That Amazon or whoever would ask LCFDDTOG to moderate their site better, give them chances to do so, and when they refused, shut them down for non-compliance. It's not the amount of people advocating violence or sedition/insurrection, it is the REFUSAL to do anything about it on their site that's the problem. Is that simple enough? And that's what happened to Parler, and good on Amazon for shutting it down.

If you've seen violence against Trump and his family, and antifa calling for the end of American government, that crap should be shut down, and shame on Twitter or Facebook for allowing it. And it needs to go. You get no argument here. But you can't pretend that your Parler buddies aren't doing what there is clear evidence of them doing, and then whine about free speech when they get caught. It don't work that way.
SaidNobody wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:37 pm In order to stave off an insurrection, Big Tech violated the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans. Even though Congress had submitted evidence that Antifa WAS INVOLVED and that members of congress might have actually been part of the planning, this is still OK?
No. Just, no. The only people claiming that antifa were involved were those QAnon nutcases in Congress, Gaetz and Broebert, and they submitted exactly ZERO evidence for their claims. If you can show me the same amount of evidence, around 500 videos that antifa was involved, I might buy it. But I think it will be a little difficult to find.

So forgive me for not joining your crusade to get Parler back up and running, but until they disavow violence and insurrection, I sure hope they stay shut down. If they comply with the rules, then I hope they come back and you have a place to vent. But if Parler continues to deflect from their own culpability and accountability to what happened, and keep blaming Amazon and socialists, I don't think that's going to happen. Oh well.
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Re: What is Parker?

Post by SaidNobody »

Has someone who has been watching is kind of violence for over a year now, I have kind of gotten used to spotting the antifa warrior. They usually wear black, carry a backpack, and usually have some form of gear hanging from their backpack.

In one of the videos that I was reviewing, you could see them stripping off their outer clothes, to reveal the Trump gear. It was right there in the video. About four of them underneath the tree stripping off the outer layer. You could see those same people in the crowd attacking the windows of the Capitol building.

But let's go back to some facts. I haven't seen violence, on parlor. These videos that you are talking about must have been done and put up within a few hours of parlor being taken offline. I didn't see them. It doesn't mean they weren't there. These platforms are massive, with terabytes of information and videos pictures.

I watched mostly videos of Dinesh D'Souza, Dan bongino, some Ben Shapiro, then other talk show hosts. None of them called for violence. None of them spoke of hating or killing anyone.

Having said that, I did not see these come off of Parler either. I read the account that someone downloaded all of these videos just before the platform went down. That sounds pretty ridiculous. These were videos from hundreds of different people, it would have taken someone probably a couple of days to download all these individual videos.

So in a court of law, show me where these were on Parker. Show me the metadata that says they were downloaded from that website.

Obviously, weather on Parler or not, There was some incriminating evidence in there and about the behavior of some Trump supporters. But if you knew what you were looking for, you could see some of the professional agitators. Witnesses walking away from the scene giving testimony that what they had seen had been Antifa. With my eye, I saw antifa on at least seven or eight different occasions.

What was missing from that collection, is where some actual professed antifa members shot video of what they were doing. One of the currently arrested ones, who lives in salt lake, documented his journey. The guy even said to his own camera "Thank goodness no one saw me break that window on camera, I should be good."

I'm not trying to say Trump supporters didn't do anything wrong. There were definitely people who were in my opinion undeniably Trump supporters. And there were people there who were undeniably antifa.

I just can't stand the hypocrisy.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5RFG6imJp ... =youtu.be
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