Today is my last day of quarantine.
According to the State of WV, They went off of first day of symptoms, so Monday was the last day of that. According to where I work, they go off of the first positive test, so today is my last day for that. Man, is is a pity my last day of quarantine is our last day before a 4 day weekend. Shucks.
The doctor's office really botched DW's test. We have no idea what all happened to it. We are guessing it was either a bad test or it got lost somewhere along the way. She was retested on Wednesday the 15th. It took them 4 days to run that and that was after some prodding from her. result was positive. So according to WV, she is done with quarantine on the 25th.
My dad was tested a couple days ago and he came back as asymptomatic positive. DM was negative. So she has been retested and is waiting on results, otherwise her quarantine is until Jan 13 if it is still negative.
I took the kids to be tested today, so we'll see how that goes. I suspect may kids have gotten very mild cases, but don't know for sure yet.
I was only really sick for the first 2 days. Since then, I tire easily. We had a heavy snow storm Wednesday and shoveling out from that was a real struggle. I could only work for 20 minutes at a shot before I was too exhausted to continue. My 9 year old daughter provided a lot of help get us out.
I have fortunate that I was able to work from home this week. So between that and sick time, it won't hit the pay check. I'll be back to work Monday. I still have the occasional sneezing fit, my nose is completely dry and slightly painful. My sense of smell hasn't been here for about a week, but my taste is fine. DW can't smell either, her taste disappeared, but has mostly come back.
The disturbing part of all this is that apparently the Covid-19 testing has a disturbingly high rate of false negatives. After DW and I both tested positive for strep, The only reason DW stayed home was the fact that I tested positive. Since according to the doctor, her first test was negative, had she not retested she would have been out and about despite being positive. It does make you consider how many people also got false negative tests and didn't stay in because they thought they were fine.
"The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams