Not Buying It wrote: ↑Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:09 am
Oh please. Rumor and baseless accusations do not a stolen election make. Trump’s lawyers have failed repeatedly to provide any hard evidence in the literally dozens of court cases that voter fraud was pervasive and widespread enough to impact the election. Trump didn’t even have the Supreme Court on his side, and he handpicked three of them.
And let me ask you this - how is it you think voter fraud impacted the Presidential election, but not the Senate races that gave control of the Senate back to Republicans and gained them seats in the House? If you ask me, if Democrats rigged the election they did a crap job of it, they should have taken the Senate and the House while they were at it. Lots of names were on the ballot - explain to me how Trump is the only politician in the country who lost due to fraud? How did any Republican manage to get elected in this election if fraud truly occurred? There are states where Trump lost and other Republicans won - if there was fraud, how do you account for that?
Just give it up. Your guy lost. Trump supporters are the worst losers on God’s green earth, for all their talk about “liberal tears”. Come back to reality with the rest of us.
Okay, I'm going to mansplain a couple of things because, umm, I'm a man and I will explain this.
Conspiracy Theory 101: Conspiracy analysis is like astronomy. Over time, you notice certain celestial bodies moving in unexpected ways, so you beginning for looking for the hidden gravity source. You know something is pulling on it, but you cannot see it yet. Conspiracy Theory is the belief in and search for forces and effects that you cannot see that are influencing your life.
Conspiracy Theory 101, Appendix A: If you think there are no unseen influences are affecting your life, well then, party on dude.
Conspiracy Theory Observation #1: Trump lost: What? Seriously? But what about the massive rallies, spontaneous Trump trains, all the "closest racists", more than doubled support among minorities, and other unprecedented expressions of support?
Wasn't enough! Duh! Biden is everyone's favorite.
So even though Trump got more votes than any other president in history, Joe Biden got 10M more votes? More than even Obama? And as someone mentioned, even though Republicans picked up every toss-up sit in the House, they somehow forgot to vote for the President. Unbelievable. So like here, we begin to suspect that maybe something is happening that we cannot see. So we sat looking. Sure enough, a least 5 sites that provided the votes to turned that election blocked Republican poll watchers. Not just rumor. I watched a dozen videos at workers posting videos showing poll watchers being blocked from the counting process. My AG actually bragged about his efforts to block "Trump's Poll Watchers" so they couldn't intimidate voters. Oddly, Philadelphia was one of the cities that tried the vote with very suspicious numbers. A week before the election someone broke into a warehouse in Philly and some voting equipment, a couple of laptops. Being very untrusting like I am, I knew right there something was going on. Experts say that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be sure the vote was valid because of the encryption codes that were stolen. The election machines were supposed to be disconnected, but evidence and witnesses say that they were connected to the internet.
I wonder why the Dems didn't take all of the seats. I mean, aside from fact that it would have been SUPER obvious, why?
Evidence from the audits of the machines shows that they actually tried. On average, most of the major seats get about 35,000 ghost votes but that wasn't enough. Yet, with the extra votes accumulating to an unbelievable 10M vote lead for Biden, it wasn't enough to bring the Dem candidates over the line. 10M extra votes for Biden would have been cool, but it still wasn't going to get him the electoral votes that he needed. A little after midnight on it became obvious that Biden didn't have what it took. At about 3 am in five Democrat-controlled cities, they stopped the counting. Excuses were made and the Republican poll watchers were dismissed. There is a video of this from Georgia, after a "water main break(fake)" was reported.
Joe Biden won 16.7% of the counties in America and got 81.2M votes, Trump got 83.3% of the counties and about 73M votes. Not impossible, but seriously unlikely.
But that is only the framework. 17 of 18 belle weather counties voted for Trump. BBC explains how Trump broke the belle weather counties prediction system because they accepted Trump and therefore exposed their racism. Statistics basically say that Biden's win is a 1:1000000000000 chance. I'm not a smart man, but this makes sense to me.