It's been so long ago that I'm comfortable telling my experience. I was the ward clerk about 15 years ago in a past mormon life of a ward I no longer live in. During this time I sat through a few disciplinary councils at the ward level over a 2 year period in this calling. This was before the MLS system was updated and the ward clerk was required to fill out a form and send a copy to Salt Lake City. Now I believe they are all done online in the MLS system.What was it like sitting in on a DC? My dad was on the HC and he'd told me about a few DC in non-specific details. He mentioned one that got pretty nasty and he drew the 'defend the member' straw.
What kind of things were people facing DC's for?
DC#1: The Bishop was asked by the SP to convene a ward disciplinary council for a recently returned missionary who had been home for about 4 months. The RM had sex with his girlfriend. Ironically, the girlfriend was the daughter of the SP. He was disfellowshipped for 6 months.
DC#2: A single adult age male who happened to be partially deaf (he could speak) had sex with his non member girlfriend who was totally deaf. The Bishop (who to this day was the best bishop I've ever known) convened a disciplinary council for the guy. He brought his non member deaf girlfriend in as support. She couldn't understand why he was "in trouble" for having consensual sex. He was trying to interpret for her in sign language and the Bishop became flustered and kindly thanked her for coming in and excused her to the hall. He asked a few questions regarding any chance she could be pregnant. The guy said no, "I used condoms" (plural). The Bishop said, "Condoms? I thought you told me you only had sex once?" The man replied, "I don't remember..." The Bishop then asked, "how many times did you have sex?" The guy replied, "I can't hear you? What do you say?" The Bishop replied, "HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU HAVE SEX?" The guy smiled, turned bright red, and said, "A lot!"
The Council excused the guy and once the door shut, the Bishop just sat there and laughed. He said "you know guys, part of me wants to give this poor kid a high five! And the other part of me has to discipline him!" The Bishop turned to me and said, "You don't have to write that in the notes!" I didn't. The Bishop recognized the opportunity this single mid thirties virgin had in his bed and couldn't blame him for faltering. He was disfellowshipped for 6 months.
DC#3: This DC involved a missionary who was sent home mid mission for the second and final time. The first time the missionary was sent home for kissing and making out with a few girls on his mission. He spent six months home before returning to another mission state side. The family had announced he was home for a surgery in order to avoid embarrassment. Six months went by and he left again. About 3 months after that, he was sent home and the SP had instructed the a Bishop to convene a disciplinary council. The Bishop chastised the poor kid for messing up a second time and explained he wasn't feeling lenient at all. The Bishop then asked very detailed questions regarding the level of make out. Did you have sex? No. Did you touch her breasts? Yes. Did you touch her "down there"? Yes. Over or under her panties? Under. Did you penetrate? Yes. How many fingers? How far in? At this point, I stopped taking notes because it was extremely awkward. The Bishop asked him to step out while the council convened. The bishop then apologized to the councilors and myself for having to listen to that level of detail. The SP had asked him to grill the kid to see if he would confess to sex so that the SP could excommunicate him because the SP felt the kid lied to the SP. The Bishop defended the kid and he was disfellowshipped for 1 year. He obviously didn't finish serving his mission and was married a short time later outside of the temple.
DC#4: A sister in the ward with a long history of repeated cycles of activity/inactivity came in to repent for past drug abuse during her latest inactive phase. The bishop took her circumstances into consideration and determined it was not the right time to convene a disciplinary council even though the SP suggested it would help the woman become active and worthy again. The bishop was compassionate and caring and offered to help in anyway possible and paid for counseling for this women.
RR's perspective then: Looking back, these DC's were some of the best spiritual experiences I've had in the church because of the compassion and care the Bishop and his councilor took to help these members get back on their spiritual feet. They didn't judge these people and offered empathy and support the best they could. They lucked out with Bishop roulette. I've heard and read many miserable experiences on the web. I was fortunate to be a part of the good ones where the people were not humiliated, broken down, and required to suffer before getting back into the favorable graces of the church.
RR's perspective now: Don't ever confess! It's nobody's business if two consenting adults decide to engage in sexual activity together or whose hands touch where. The church disciplinary council process is an abusive demonstration of power designed to maintain control.
ETA: I believe the notes that were taken and sent in to SLC still exist and reside in a file somewhere. Even though these people repented, there is a paper trail that outlines in detail their sins. While I was the Stake Financial Clerk, we decided to clean out a few of the overstuffed file cabinets in the stake office. In the back of a drawer, there was a manilla file folder labeled "Disciplinary Actions". I pulled it out and realized the stake still had copies of the forms from past DC's going back nearly 10 years. Over the years nobody purged the files or cleaned out the old stuff. My friend (who was the current ward clerk in our ward) and I read through the files realizing that we knew many of the people who had their sins and DC's documented. We ended up shredding the DC forms and started on the rest of the old junk paperwork before we burned up the shredder in the stake office. The rest we loaded into the back of his truck and took to the dump. Nothing ever stays confidential in a Mormon ward. One more reason to never confess!