Is Big Tech the new Church?

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Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

If you are a conservative, you have been hearing about, and even experienced cyber-voice suppression. Like right now, Twitter has locked the New York Post account because they posted a negative story about Hunter Biden. Still locked after 8 days. There are thousands of other, smaller accounts that have shut down and never turned back on.

If you have been a doubter or dissident in the LDS church, you probably know what it's like to have your voice suppressed, or ignored. Yet, if you were a TBM you were probably glad when authorities shut down members that had conflicting voices. I understand that it is important to silence dissenters if they are going to take believers away.

But what about Big Tech? Do we cheer when they shut someone down that we don't agree with, or believe, like Alex Jones? I tuned into Alex Jones once or twice and the man was basically insane in my book, but he had more viewers than CNN on most given days.

Is it OK to shut down voices you don't agree with if they are taking members of your flock?
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by moksha »

SaidNobody wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:30 am I tuned into Alex Jones once or twice and the man was basically insane in my book, but he had more viewers than CNN on most given days.
Reminded me of drivers bringing freeway traffic to a crawl by slowing down to look at a car crash. The car crash that is Alex Jones was finally towed for being a traffic nuisance. I think this was based somewhat on the same principle of not allowing people to shout "fire" in a crowded theatre.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by hmb »

SaidNobody wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:30 am If you are a conservative, you have been hearing about, and even experienced cyber-voice suppression. Like right now, Twitter has locked the New York Post account because they posted a negative story about Hunter Biden. Still locked after 8 days. There are thousands of other, smaller accounts that have shut down and never turned back on.

I'm conservative, in the center. NY Post is a tabloid. When this story is published with a credible source, I'll pay attention. This NY Post story is too flawed, full of holes, to give it any thought beyond another ploy discredit the Bidens. It should be shut down, or at least labeled as a rag story.

As a female married to a nevermo, I was pretty much shut down in my thinking, even when I was TBM. As I became less active, then inactive, it was like a had plague. Perhaps I was a threat, and avoided. What I have is catchy. But to be fair, I remember thinking the same thing about others who left :roll: .
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

hmb wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:03 am
SaidNobody wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:30 am If you are a conservative, you have been hearing about, and even experienced cyber-voice suppression. Like right now, Twitter has locked the New York Post account because they posted a negative story about Hunter Biden. Still locked after 8 days. There are thousands of other, smaller accounts that have shut down and never turned back on.

I'm conservative, in the center. NY Post is a tabloid. When this story is published with a credible source, I'll pay attention. This NY Post story is too flawed, full of holes, to give it any thought beyond another ploy discredit the Bidens. It should be shut down, or at least labeled as a rag story.

As a female married to a nevermo, I was pretty much shut down in my thinking, even when I was TBM. As I became less active, then inactive, it was like a had plague. Perhaps I was a threat, and avoided. What I have is catchy. But to be fair, I remember thinking the same thing about others who left :roll: .
Tabloids are highly underrated. But when I looked up the NY Post reputation, 38% found it reliable, and 39% found it unreliable. There was not such rating for CNN and MSNBC. But, if you take the statistic that CNN had more 2.5million viewers 10 years ago, but about 800 thousand now, maybe we could say that 70% found it unreliable and 30% found it reliable. (Sorry, Helping my 7th grader with math this morning so I could calculate that, rounding down, of course, the bias favor in the unreliable direction.)

Regardless, I live about 10 miles from the Apple store Hunter dropped the laptop off. It's not just the NY Post reporting this. The FBI has admitted that they had a laptop. Some of the very damning emails have been validated by Hunter's partner, already in prison. But, did the media shut down ploys to discredit Trump? Like the Russian Hoax? No, they didn't. No one MSM network validated that dossier, but they all screamed its contents as loud as they could. None, ZERO, na-ta, zip of the dossier was truthful. "Friends" are stepping forward to testify that Joe was the Big Guy, that they took money from at least a half-dozen countries. And then, there is my own testimony. One year before Biden because VP, I, through a comedy of errors, ended up on the Clubhouse floor of the Ritz Carlton in Arlington VA. (DC) There was a half dozen young, rich, Arabs hanging out in the lobby with me, one apparently a prince. Joe came in (recognized him as a Senator in my area) and they began to deal. (I'd spend a couple of months in Egypt and followed the greetings perfectly, the rest was in English.) It sounded shady to me. Then when the dollar amounts began to fly around, ($440 million) Joe insisted that they go to his suite. I remember calling my wife that night and telling awesome the Clubhouse floor was, (free drinks and food) I also had to tell about the shady deal I'd seen go down.

When he became VP the next year, I totally didn't trust him. Voted against them both times. Anyway, that dude is shadier than the biggest Sequoia tree.

But, trying to stay on track. Are you saying that you approve of Big Tech, silencing people they disagree with?
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

moksha wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:53 pm
SaidNobody wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:30 am I tuned into Alex Jones once or twice and the man was basically insane in my book, but he had more viewers than CNN on most given days.
Reminded me of drivers bringing freeway traffic to a crawl by slowing down to look at a car crash. The car crash that is Alex Jones was finally towed for being a traffic nuisance. I think this was based somewhat on the same principle of not allowing people to shout "fire" in a crowded theatre.
I see what you are saying here. A car crash is physically real. It affects people in very real ways, especially if people couldn't avoid on their journey.

Now, Jones, his message was avoidable. Like me, just don't click on the links. However, the "dangerous part" about Jones is that "other people" did listen to him, even sought him out. So now, he is less avoidable. I think there was PizzaGate and some other stories. And, if I remember, someone showed up at that Pizza place with gun and threatened to kill people, and they were harassed. It was quiet said, if the stories were not true.

But, take a popular conservative figure like Donald Trump Jr. The media said a lot of things about, seemingly untrue, as they weren't able to push any charges. He is constantly being threatened. He has to have experts open his mail. Yet, the stories that falsely accuse him of stuff are not even slowed down by Big T or the MSM. So, the bias is there, like a church. It decides like a church would and is allowed to do, pick and choose what it will allow and what it will suppress.

See, once a group starts making choices based on belief, it's church. The state should require blind application law, void of judgment that isn't already defined by law.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by hmb »

SaidNobody wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:02 am
But, trying to stay on track. Are you saying that you approve of Big Tech, silencing people they disagree with?
Big Tech should NOT silence those they disagree with. They should, however, silence outright mistruths that do damage. Information should have some quality and evidence behind it. If it's found to be incorrect, it should then be corrected. Like science, information will evolve. Until there is merit behind any story, left, right, or in between, there needs to be action to show it for what it is. Garbage. Again, if anything reliable comes of the above mentioned story, I'll listen. As is, the NY Post story is not supported by any major news or "news" source, including FOX. A tabloid will often provide truthful stories, but they need to be checked and supported. When they put out unreliable crap, it needs to be shown for what it is. Removing it helps to get that point across.

I won't go back and forth over it. You can choose to believe it. I choose not to. There is no point to hash it out until supported, credible information gives the story some trustworthy value.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by alas »

hmb wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:51 am
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:02 am
But, trying to stay on track. Are you saying that you approve of Big Tech, silencing people they disagree with?
Big Tech should NOT silence those they disagree with. They should, however, silence outright mistruths that do damage. Information should have some quality and evidence behind it. If it's found to be incorrect, it should then be corrected. Like science, information will evolve. Until there is merit behind any story, left, right, or in between, there needs to be action to show it for what it is. Garbage. Again, if anything reliable comes of the above mentioned story, I'll listen. As is, the NY Post story is not supported by any major news or "news" source, including FOX. A tabloid will often provide truthful stories, but they need to be checked and supported. When they put out unreliable crap, it needs to be shown for what it is. Removing it helps to get that point across.

I won't go back and forth over it. You can choose to believe it. I choose not to. There is no point to hash it out until supported, credible information gives the story some trustworthy value.

My sister in law kept sending me articles on messenger with the message “read this and keep if on messenger because Facebook will pull it down!” THAT right there told me it is a dangerous lie. Period. It takes something like a dangerous conspiracy going viral before face crap has the guts to pull it down. So, if Facebook closed someone’s account, or it twitter closed someone’s account, it was because they are promoting dangerous lies. That is the only reason they pull something. They allow all kinds of conspiracy theories to stay up for months and it is only when it is proven dangerous will they pull it down. Like they still allow anti Vader’s to chain vaccinations cause autism, even though science debunked that claim ages ago. They allow the “there is no global warming” idiots to claim it is all a hoax when 96% of scientist say there absolutely is human caused global warming. They allow all kinds of unproven and disproven stuff to go around and only pull it down when they could get sued for promoting dangerous crap. They stop just after someone shouts “fire” in a crowded movie theater and first of all Twitter will tag something they consider dangerous, then only after people start stampeding out of the building, do they pull it down.

To me they need to tag everything proven false. I unfollowed the idiot SIL because she kept posting conspiracy theories on facecrap, but she still sends me stuff on messenger. Fact check things people. FaceCrap puts up a lot of false stuff and doesn’t pull it down near fast enough.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

alas wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:48 am
hmb wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:51 am
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:02 am
But, trying to stay on track. Are you saying that you approve of Big Tech, silencing people they disagree with?
Big Tech should NOT silence those they disagree with. They should, however, silence outright mistruths that do damage. Information should have some quality and evidence behind it. If it's found to be incorrect, it should then be corrected. Like science, information will evolve. Until there is merit behind any story, left, right, or in between, there needs to be action to show it for what it is. Garbage. Again, if anything reliable comes of the above mentioned story, I'll listen. As is, the NY Post story is not supported by any major news or "news" source, including FOX. A tabloid will often provide truthful stories, but they need to be checked and supported. When they put out unreliable crap, it needs to be shown for what it is. Removing it helps to get that point across.

I won't go back and forth over it. You can choose to believe it. I choose not to. There is no point to hash it out until supported, credible information gives the story some trustworthy value.

My sister in law kept sending me articles on messenger with the message “read this and keep if on messenger because Facebook will pull it down!” THAT right there told me it is a dangerous lie. Period. It takes something like a dangerous conspiracy going viral before face crap has the guts to pull it down. So, if Facebook closed someone’s account, or it twitter closed someone’s account, it was because they are promoting dangerous lies. That is the only reason they pull something. They allow all kinds of conspiracy theories to stay up for months and it is only when it is proven dangerous will they pull it down. Like they still allow anti Vader’s to chain vaccinations cause autism, even though science debunked that claim ages ago. They allow the “there is no global warming” idiots to claim it is all a hoax when 96% of scientist say there absolutely is human caused global warming. They allow all kinds of unproven and disproven stuff to go around and only pull it down when they could get sued for promoting dangerous crap. They stop just after someone shouts “fire” in a crowded movie theater and first of all Twitter will tag something they consider dangerous, then only after people start stampeding out of the building, do they pull it down.

To me they need to tag everything proven false. I unfollowed the idiot SIL because she kept posting conspiracy theories on facecrap, but she still sends me stuff on messenger. Fact check things people. FaceCrap puts up a lot of false stuff and doesn’t pull it down near fast enough.
I think I'm going to cry.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by alas »

SaidNobody wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:36 am
alas wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:48 am
hmb wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:51 am

Big Tech should NOT silence those they disagree with. They should, however, silence outright mistruths that do damage. Information should have some quality and evidence behind it. If it's found to be incorrect, it should then be corrected. Like science, information will evolve. Until there is merit behind any story, left, right, or in between, there needs to be action to show it for what it is. Garbage. Again, if anything reliable comes of the above mentioned story, I'll listen. As is, the NY Post story is not supported by any major news or "news" source, including FOX. A tabloid will often provide truthful stories, but they need to be checked and supported. When they put out unreliable crap, it needs to be shown for what it is. Removing it helps to get that point across.

I won't go back and forth over it. You can choose to believe it. I choose not to. There is no point to hash it out until supported, credible information gives the story some trustworthy value.

My sister in law kept sending me articles on messenger with the message “read this and keep if on messenger because Facebook will pull it down!” THAT right there told me it is a dangerous lie. Period. It takes something like a dangerous conspiracy going viral before face crap has the guts to pull it down. So, if Facebook closed someone’s account, or it twitter closed someone’s account, it was because they are promoting dangerous lies. That is the only reason they pull something. They allow all kinds of conspiracy theories to stay up for months and it is only when it is proven dangerous will they pull it down. Like they still allow anti Vader’s to chain vaccinations cause autism, even though science debunked that claim ages ago. They allow the “there is no global warming” idiots to claim it is all a hoax when 96% of scientist say there absolutely is human caused global warming. They allow all kinds of unproven and disproven stuff to go around and only pull it down when they could get sued for promoting dangerous crap. They stop just after someone shouts “fire” in a crowded movie theater and first of all Twitter will tag something they consider dangerous, then only after people start stampeding out of the building, do they pull it down.

To me they need to tag everything proven false. I unfollowed the idiot SIL because she kept posting conspiracy theories on facecrap, but she still sends me stuff on messenger. Fact check things people. FaceCrap puts up a lot of false stuff and doesn’t pull it down near fast enough.
I think I'm going to cry.
Why, because you like to believe proven conspiracy theories?

And for what it is worth, I support pulling down democratic lies and propaganda as soon as it is proven false. You dont see me arguing that the Lies that Hillary paid for out of Russia are true. Once something is fact checked and proven false or questionable, it should not be left unchallenged on any social media. It should at least be tagged as questionable or unproven or disproven. But the truth isn’t important to many many people. It still is to me and I fact check things and anything that is unbelievable, I wait till it is fact checked to believe it.

Well, I am not getting into it further, because I happen to like you and History will prove things one way or the other. I happen to like several trump supporters and I just refuse to hold their religion against them, because to me, supporting trump has become a religion. So, dropping out of this discussion. Feel free to yell at me, but I am out of this discussion.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

alas wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:58 amWhy
I had a big answer to this, but then never mind.

Simply, once one citizen justifies the silencing of another they don't agree with, it's over. You by far aren't the only one that thinks silencing others is OK.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by Apologeticsislying »

You by far aren't the only one that thinks silencing others is OK.
Republicans eclipsed him during Obama's time in office for the entire 8 years.
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by alas »

SaidNobody wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:36 pm
alas wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:58 amWhy
I had a big answer to this, but then never mind.

Simply, once one citizen justifies the silencing of another they don't agree with, it's over. You by far aren't the only one that thinks silencing others is OK.
Here is another way of looking at this. Face book and Twitter are privately owned companies. They are not public places like a city park or streets. It is like when the Mormon church purchased one block of Mainstreet in Salt Lake City and said it was closed to protestors. It changed from public property to private property. So the church had every right to control their property. Your home is privately owned. Do you have to allow every Tom, Dick, and Harry to come into your home to exercise their right to free speech, or do you get to kick them out when they get obnoxious, or start insulting your wife? Well, obviously, you get to kick them out of your private property, no matter how much they scream freedom of speech. So, once again, Face book and Twitter are private property, even if they are cyber space. It is privately owned space. They have every right to silence any one they choose to. We are there only at their discretion.

Now, I would feel differently about someone’s right to free speech on public streets, which is why Trump ordering nonviolent demonstrators to be tear gassed to get rid of them so he could have a photo op, that was wrong. He violated their free speech, not to mention forcing the preacher of that church of of the church owned property. That is illegally silencing people in violation of the 1st amendment. Trump=illegal. Facebook=legal.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

alas wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:08 pmTrump=illegal. Facebook=legal.
Pretty much what I said. If you are conservative, you are not allowed to speak. If Facebook silences, it's legal. Except that they are very biased. Like, it's ok for some sites to have language and graphics that instruct how to cut the throat of a cop, but if someone mentions a phrase of the Bible might mention violence, their account is locked, sometimes deleted. Facebook has special protection, Section 230, that exempts them from lawsuits and such because they are just a platform. But they are very biased, so I am actually looking forward to them getting some justice.

And the "peaceful protestors" story was seriously twisted. But, the truth of that story got suppressed.

Anyway, hey, I'll let you go. I know we weren't going back and forth on this.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by Cnsl1 »

Sorry, dude. You're wrong.

Facebook, Twitter and most all other social media sources are NOT in the political game. Obviously their creators are people with political persuasions, but their creation is simply about the clicks, or the almighty dollar. If enough people complain about something, it will be taken down, but again it's not about the politics, but placating the masses. It's pretty obvious if you have Facebook friends on either side of the polemic political divide that this social media source produces a freeway of information (or misinformation) supportive of their respective beliefs. Further, all you gotta do is jump on either bandwagon with a click or two to find yourself in warp speed into another planet where up is down and orange is purple, and everyone on that other distant planet is as deceived and devious as Satan hisself. And, oh yeah while you're here, check out this cool new rifle scope.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by Apologeticsislying »

If you are conservative, you are not allowed to speak.
I'll call your assertion and raise you the umpteen literally tens of thousands of Donald Trump's tweets where he gets to say anything he wants, no matter how stupid, wrong, or factually ridiculous it is......
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

Apologeticsislying wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:41 am
I'll call your assertion and raise you the umpteen literally tens of thousands of Donald Trump's tweets where he gets to say anything he wants, no matter how stupid, wrong, or factually ridiculous it is......
Trump is the president of the US. They have actually blocked and filtered his tweets.

They shut down the NY Post from posting about the Hunter Biden story, for more than 10 days they couldn't post on Twitter. Thousands of conservatives have had their accounts shut down. They shut down Candace Owen, a black woman, but gave it back to her because, you know, she is a black woman.

And why would you have put that "stupid, wrong, or factually ridiculous" in that comment? This is America, that is a given. We don't shut people down, or we didn't use to. If you are a liberal you probably don't know what it is like. I used the words, "women are dangerous" and was banned from Facebook for 24 hours. It was even meant somewhat as a compliment. But they already have me shadowbanned, not that I really care.

But they are right. I agreed to their terms of service and I can choose a different platform to express my awesomeness on. But, for groups like the NY Post, that is their bread and butter. It takes years to build up a following and then to have Big T just flip a switch and kill it, should be considered criminal. If someone came and stole your lunch truck the cops would arrest the thief. But with Big T, no one cares. I know of at least 8 journalists, that I liked because they have honest and balanced analysis get canceled.

Of course, they try to carry on with their private website, but it's hard to get traffic there if the Big 4 has blocked you.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by SaidNobody »

Cnsl1 wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:17 am Sorry, dude. You're wrong.

Facebook, Twitter and most all other social media sources are NOT in the political game. Obviously their creators are people with political persuasions, but their creation is simply about the clicks, or the almighty dollar. If enough people complain about something, it will be taken down, but again it's not about the politics, but placating the masses. It's pretty obvious if you have Facebook friends on either side of the polemic political divide that this social media source produces a freeway of information (or misinformation) supportive of their respective beliefs. Further, all you gotta do is jump on either bandwagon with a click or two to find yourself in warp speed into another planet where up is down and orange is purple, and everyone on that other distant planet is as deceived and devious as Satan hisself. And, oh yeah while you're here, check out this cool new rifle scope.
Correction, from your perspective, I am wrong. You haven't the authority or wisdom to simply declare me wrong.

Big Tech claims that they are not in the political game, and to some extent, that is true. They are in the "cultural wars" which does splash into the political games. If you are a manly man, they will allow and even promote everyone shaming you. Even more than they hate conservatives, they hate the white patriarchy. Of course, Trump if Father Troll, which sends them nuts. This isn't about Trump's politics, it never has been. He has brought America to near heights have greatness, but he is hated because he is apologetically a man.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by moksha »

SaidNobody wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:38 pm If you are conservative, you are not allowed to speak. If Facebook silences, it's legal.
Conservative speak does not have to consist of lies. Just because that is what currently appears in their public discussions does not mean it always has to be so forevermore.

I certainly do not want a den of thieves or a pack of liars on Facebook or Twitter. BTW, Trump has not brought America to a peak of greatness. If anything he has been a blotch.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by Apologeticsislying »

Trump is the president of the US. They have actually blocked and filtered his tweets.
When it's just dumbass blatant lies and made up information, of course. When it's verifiably wrong, dead wrong, then of course. DUH. It's time Trump puts on his big boy pants and just goes away like he stupidly claimed Covid 19 would.
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-
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Re: Is Big Tech the new Church?

Post by Apologeticsislying »

BTW, Trump has not brought America to a peak of greatness. If anything he has been a blotch.
Even this is far too charitable and credits him too much.
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-
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