... udi-arabia
“My call is for respect, accommodation and cooperation — for creative solutions that mitigate the threat of COVID-19 while not cutting people off from an essential part of their lives,” said Elder Bednar, who remotely participated in a virtual panel discussion from a studio in the Church Office Building in Salt Lake City.
“In many instances, the lack of such respect has backfired, creating suspicion toward government and the undermining of its legitimate efforts to control the pandemic,” he added.
Bullpuckey. He's got it exactly backwards. The only reason religious people got suspicious about the government and religious freedom in relation to attempts to control the pandemic is because moronic religious leaders like Elder Bednar did their best to whip up distrust of the government and claimed religious freedom was being infringed upon. He's not talking about a problem the government caused with the pandemic (and there were plenty of those) - he's talking about a problem religious leaders like him created and made continually worse. This is one problem you can't blame on the government, the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of stupid religious leaders like him.
During COVID the responsible thing for society to do is to limit large gatherings to slow the spread of a disease that is fatal to many. Fear mongering about religious freedom threats by dopes like Elder Bednar de-legitimizes honest, sincere efforts to save lives and protect public health.
I'm furious. Who knows how many people contracted COVID listening to him and reaching the conclusion attempts to slow the spread were really a government plot against organized religion? How many people felt free to disregard public safety measures because of talk from leaders like him? People died and are still dying over this you punk.