I know Mormonthink, the CES letter, and a million other places have this information but what I’m hoping we can accomplish is a simplified version that captures the levels of the rabbit hole. Perhaps something that could be put into a flowchart or other easy to follow diagram or document. Something to capture the structural metadata.
Origins and early Church
1. Joseph Smith character
2. First vision multiple versions
3. Book of Mormon and BOA translation
4. Priesthood restoration
5. Secret practice of polygamy
6. Temple and free masonry parallels
7. Succession and BY as Prophet
8. Race and the Priesthood
Modern church
1. Church morphed into corporate empire
2. Policy adjustments
3. Gospel topic essays and revised history
4. Temple changes
5. Prophet succession
Cultural Issues
1. Toxic shame, guilt, and sexual repression
2. Role of Women in the church
3. Infinity fraud, MLM’s, and bad business
4. Proposition 8 and gay rights
5. BYU and the honor code office
After writing the list above I’m realizing this easily gets blown up. There really are a lot of issues that show the church in it’s true nature.
Mormonism is demonstrably false when you take a step back and see the patterns.