MalcolmVillager wrote: ↑Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:19 pm
So I have been in the throws of a formal faith crisis for 6 years. The first 3 I worked through stuff mostly alone and here on NOM. DW didnt want to hear anything and challenged my sources. I dont blame her. This stuff is scary.
2 years ago I ordered Brodie and it sat on my shelf. I had already come to my firm conclusion that the church wasn't what it claimed to be. I had heard all the podcasts and read all the articles, essays, and letters. In a lot of ways it felt like "no man" was outdated and trumped by the new stuff. I also was sort of burnt out on all this stuff and moved on to science and other things I enjoy.
However I felt a pull to finally do it. Outside of the CESLetter, it was really the most officially blatantly anti thing I had read. So started it about a year ago. It is a lot of the same stories. It is dense but well written. She does a great job of telling the story, sharing quotes, and giving anecdotes. It has taken me a long time to slog through it in spurts.
Anyway, this week we watched Waco on Netflix. We had seen previous documentaries on it, but this was different. It was theatrical with real production value and decent acting. Especially David and the FBI negotiator. It made things so real. At the end I felt horrible for the Davidians who were slaughter by the missteps of the federal government.
Of course the comparison to JS is obvious. In fact, I downloaded David Koresh's 7 Seals and the publisher for the library had a forward and summary. They directly correlate the biblical writing/dictation style to JS and others (Elena White).
I read the last 4 chapters of NMKMH tonight and felt the same things. A delusional man, who happens to be charismatic and truly believes he speaks for god. Followers who have hope for something better. Who seek certainty for salvation. Who want to feel chosen and elevated. Joseph wasn't innocent, but he was shot in cold blood. Yeah, he had a pistol and possibly shot someone. But he fell from the window, was dragged against a wall, and shot point blank by 4 muskets.
I am sad tonight. Really pretty shaken. JS was complicated.
Also, I am pissed about how this stuff was written in the 1940's. The edition I read had an added supplement that talks about BofA, racism, first vision problems, and corporate cover ups that was written in 1970. All of that was exposed before I was born. Yet I was raised in a completely believing family that taught me all the whitewashed BS. I checked all the boxes. I am an 11 of Bob's Mormon Cred Scale. Freaking everything. 2 BYU degrees, paid 500k in tithing, married in the temple, never went to 1st base before. EQP, HPQP, YMP, SYMP, Bishopric, etc.....
It makes me so mad.
Truly no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.
The persecution that rises only strengthens the beast. Polygamy strengthened generations of followers.
I am in a cult. I want to scream. I cant get out. My oldest daughter is going to BYU in the fall. How can I ruin that for her. I have 4 more daughters who will try to follow her.
I am so stuck. I hate it. I feel like one of those polygamist women on escaping polygamy who runs back to the creek.
I know you are all there too. Thanks for letting me scream into this abyss.