Is God displeased with BYU Football

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Is God displeased with BYU Football

Post by Korihor »

Alright, I know this might not be appropriate for the Support category, but hear me out.

BYU lost it's deal for the 2018 season's Poinsettia Bowl. It is also lacking a bowl game deal for 2017. So the Football/Athletics dept has some work ahead of them to keep the lights on post season.
I honestly don't believe God is somehow displeased. I think BYU football is pretty low on His priority list, which is evident by their record the past several years.

The loss of the Poinsettia Bowl isn't really related directly to BYU, it was just a financial decision.

OK so here is my thought process. Given the recent hubub regarding BYU and Church policies, do you think BYU will have a harder and harder time finding a welcome mat? Will BYU football stand on its own merit or will there be a shadow of draconian rules, policies and image?
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Re: Is God displeased with BYU Football

Post by MalcolmVillager »

I am a huge BYU fan (grew up in provo). I would sacrifice some fan happiness due to boycotts and game scheduling challenges due to their policies. If it can expose the errors and insanity or force change I am all for it. Half of me wants them to drop sports all together so I can love one emotionally.

Sucks that I have 3 degrees from there though.
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Re: Is God displeased with BYU Football

Post by moksha »

When I first heard this story it made me daydream about having a Mormon Bowl. Perhaps renting the stadium of the University of Arizona in Tucson on the second week of December and scheduling BYU against the first or second place team of the Big Sky Conference. No matter who won, it would be another in an unbroken series of moral victories for BYU.

Tentative name: The Fry Sauce Bowl unless the Church wants to actually name it the Mormon Bowl.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
-- Moksha
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