COVID-19 -- game in play

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Re: COVID-19 -- game in play

Post by Thoughtful »

hmb wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 6:42 pm Just lost a close relative to covid. I'm kind of glad the family is mostly uber TBM. They have the belief of being together again. I can't believe how far behind the USA is with getting ahead of this thing.
Oh no. I am so sorry.
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Re: COVID-19 -- game in play

Post by moksha »

Jerry Falwell Jr to decide to reopen Liberty University.

Originally, in keeping with other universities in Virginia, Falwell, the institution’s president. said that only international students or those with nowhere else to go would remain. But on Sunday he welcomed over a thousand students back to campus housing. Falwell Jr had previously compared COVID-19 to the flu, posited that there has been an “overreaction” to the pandemic intended to hurt Donald Trump, and insinuated that the virus was a “Christmas present” from North Korea and China.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
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Re: COVID-19 -- game in play

Post by Apologeticsislying »

moksha wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:55 am Jerry Falwell Jr to decide to reopen Liberty University.

Originally, in keeping with other universities in Virginia, Falwell, the institution’s president. said that only international students or those with nowhere else to go would remain. But on Sunday he welcomed over a thousand students back to campus housing. Falwell Jr had previously compared COVID-19 to the flu, posited that there has been an “overreaction” to the pandemic intended to hurt Donald Trump, and insinuated that the virus was a “Christmas present” from North Korea and China.
I don't have anything against religion. I just hate stupid religion, and this is STOOPID. STOOPID religion has dumbed down far too many people. Somehow this has to change. This is just immoral irresponsibility. It will KILL people. And they are so self centered they don't care.
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-
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Re: COVID-19 -- game in play

Post by Corsair »

moksha wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:55 am Jerry Falwell Jr to decide to reopen Liberty University.

Originally, in keeping with other universities in Virginia, Falwell, the institution’s president. said that only international students or those with nowhere else to go would remain. But on Sunday he welcomed over a thousand students back to campus housing. Falwell Jr had previously compared COVID-19 to the flu, posited that there has been an “overreaction” to the pandemic intended to hurt Donald Trump, and insinuated that the virus was a “Christmas present” from North Korea and China.
This is an amazing story for all of the wrong reasons.

Liberty University let more than 1,000 students return to campus during the coronavirus outbreak

Liberty University student tests positive for Covid-19 after Falwell reopens campus

This may hilariously take some heat off BYU for all of the HCO silliness in February. I am glad that it's not BYU that is running this kind of unintentional experiment on faith healing versus COVID-19.
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Re: COVID-19 -- game in play

Post by moksha »

Two DHS officials said the stores kept in the Department of Health and Human Service’s Strategic National Stockpile are nearly gone, despite assurances from the White House that there is availability.
“The stockpile was designed to respond to a handful of cities. It was never built or designed to fight a 50-state pandemic,” said a DHS official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly about the stockpile. “This is not only a U.S. government problem. The supply chain for PPE worldwide has broken down, and there is a lot of price-gouging happening.”

Several reports in recent days have documented a Wild West-style online marketplace for bulk medical supplies dominated by intermediaries and hoarders who are selling N95 respirator masks and other gear at huge markups. Forbes reported that U.S. vendors have sold 280 million masks — mostly into the export market — and that U.S. states and local governments were outbid in the frenzy. -- Nick Miroff - The Washington Post - Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
-- Moksha
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