WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

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WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Apologeticsislying »

Where is the revelation to Nelson from Jesus for the cure to our world wide pandemic right now? ANY ***good*** person who knew how to solve the problem could not possibly let tens of thousands die FIRST before giving the information and continue to be seen as good can he? That is the very definition of criminal. Why hasn't Jesus told Nelson already what the cure is so he can heal the world?! 'm actually quite serious. What IS religion actually able to do with this massive threat? Is there anything actually practical they can offer that would help out here? And Jesus, according to the theology is the idiot who created this virus!? Yet he won't offer to give us the real information we so desperately need? THIS is what we need to be asking of Mormons. Who gives a cow pie about the First Vision today with such a much more important issue at our doorsteps?
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Exiled »

Apologeticsislying wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:13 am Where is the revelation to Nelson from Jesus for the cure to our world wide pandemic right now? ANY ***good*** person who knew how to solve the problem could not possibly let tens of thousands die FIRST before giving the information and continue to be seen as good can he? That is the very definition of criminal. Why hasn't Jesus told Nelson already what the cure is so he can heal the world?! 'm actually quite serious. What IS religion actually able to do with this massive threat? Is there anything actually practical they can offer that would help out here? And Jesus, according to the theology is the idiot who created this virus!? Yet he won't offer to give us the real information we so desperately need? THIS is what we need to be asking of Mormons. Who gives a cow pie about the First Vision today with such a much more important issue at our doorsteps?
I don't know of a good answer to the problem of evil. In 3 Nephi 9, adolescent Joseph Smith answers the question by having his Jesus blame the victims for what his Jesus just did (burning cities, killing innocents indiscriminately). Perhaps we are seeing mormon Jesus opening up another can of whoopass to punish the world indiscriminately again?
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by wtfluff »

Apologeticsislying wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:13 amWhere is the revelation to Nelson from Jesus for the cure to our world wide pandemic right now?
Where is the revelation from Jesus?

I'm gonna guess its in the same place that it was during EVERY OTHER PANDEMIC that has hit humanity.
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Hagoth »

Exiled wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:53 am I don't know of a good answer to the problem of evil. In 3 Nephi 9, adolescent Joseph Smith answers the question by having his Jesus blame the victims for what his Jesus just did (burning cities, killing innocents indiscriminately). Perhaps we are seeing mormon Jesus opening up another can of whoopass to punish the world indiscriminately again?
This is the cheap-out fallback when a prophet fails to prophesy and has to cover his tracks. It's part of the great tribulation, or cleansing, or whatever you want to call it when God needs to make a point about what a bad job we're all doing as human beings.

I'm really crossing my fingers that the Q15 will resist the temptation to take the low road cop out and choose instead to swallow a bit of pride and try to think about actual healing and inspiration, rather than bogus do-you-have-the-faith-to-not-be-healed, and victim-blaming asshatery.
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by blazerb »

However, in 10 years the members will all tell their children and grandchildren about the miraculous prophet RMN who told the membership to take their vitamins and prepare. Perhaps someone will tell the story of how he prayed mighty prayer in the temple asking that God pour out pestilence on the world to bring them to repentance because that's what the BoM says will bring people to repentance (Helaman 11:4). I'm not sure how the earthquake in SLC will be spun, but undoubtedly it will testify of RMN. The miraculous stories that will be shared when told to shelter in place will be too amazing to believe, literally.
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Just This Guy »

RMN is saving it for his big, "epic" conference.
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Hagoth »

blazerb wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:06 am However, in 10 years the members will all tell their children and grandchildren about the miraculous prophet RMN who told the membership to take their vitamins and prepare.
I'm going to submit my design to the COB for a new monument to stand in Temple Square next to the Seagull Monument. A huge, bronze coronavirus with a bas relief of Pres. Nelson distributing Flintstones vitamins to adoring flu sufferers while Jesus hovers in the background in an empty conference hall giving an enthusiastic thumbs-up.
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Exiled »

blazerb wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:06 am I'm not sure how the earthquake in SLC will be spun, but undoubtedly it will testify of RMN. The miraculous stories that will be shared when told to shelter in place will be too amazing to believe, literally.
That one is easy. God was showing his displeasure at all those pornhub users in SLC during this crisis. Get your hands where we can see them people.
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Corsair »

I fear that General Conference will now be more annoying than usual. The subtext will have to be a passive aggressive explanation for why healing blessings cannot cure COVID-19 and the Second Coming is close, but not yet. Follow the Prophet as if Millennium starts tomorrow, but have patience as if you will never see it. Put expectations on your children and grandchildren so that they will expect it.
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Mackman »

Why didnt RMN tell us this conference would be in our homes and no one would be allowed to attend ?? As a prophet of God he Must have known this !!!!! Yea it sure will be a conference like no other !!!!! Just like all my Nomies I sure get tired of all the B.S. Prophet , yea right !!! Who are they trying to fool ??? Themselves I think !!
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Re: WHY Isn't Jesus Revealing RIGHT NOW?

Post by Palerider »

blazerb wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:06 am However, in 10 years the members will all tell their children and grandchildren about the miraculous prophet RMN who told the membership to take their vitamins and prepare.
I really don't get this.

Anyone listening when RMN made the "vitamin" comment would have to admit that it was a facetious, off-the-cuff comment intended to bring a little humor to his attempt to build up the anticipation for the upcoming conference.
He was also referencing all of the (minor) changes he's making in the church and could just as easily said, "Buckle up your seatbelts everyone it's going to be a fun ride."

To suggest that the vitamin remark was anything other than a humorous aside is just plain stupid. People have to be extremely desperate to make something like that into a revelatory statement.

All those TBMs out there truly need to get a grip.....
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