I had occasion yesterday to sell my beloved pickup. I had to get a bigger one for some of the towing we do.
The guy who bought it happened to be a youngish (40's?) Navy Chaplin of the Baptist persuasion. He was familiar with my current city and so for want of a better place, we met at a nearby Mormon chapel we were both familiar with to show the vehicle.
When we arrived he stated that he didn't realize the church would have so many people in the parking lot and it must be a "church night". I said, the Mormons have tons of meetings all the time and then added, "I used to be one."
His ears perked up and I told him my story of leaving the faith and here's where it got interesting. He said, "You may not believe this but your story has become very familiar to me in the last five years."
He said, "I have frequent encounters with young Mormon men who have researched their history and have come to the conclusion that it is bogus and now they don't know who to talk to about it. It takes a heavy toll on them. I try to help them realize it's not the end of the world and that there are good alternatives out there and that they should at the least hold on to their faith in God and Christ and the Biblical Scripture. Most times they seem to come out of it well."
He was a really nice guy and we had a good talk. I enjoyed the conversation.
AND....he bought my truck for a good price.