One hour church

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Re: One hour church

Post by Mackman »

Just think 1 hour church , then a year from now 30 minute church and then all home church !!!!!! Then they sell all ward and branch buildings then the Q15 divvy up the $100 Billion and run !!!!!! Sounds plausible to me !!!!!!!!!
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Re: One hour church

Post by Finallyfree »

Angel wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:56 pm I go to church where Jesus went, outside in the hills.

Amen!!! Amen!!!! And Amen!!!!!
I was seeing an LDS therapist several years ago that had a more open viewpoint and I expressed my struggle with the fact that I have always felt closer to God out in the mountains amongst the trees than I have ever felt in church or in the temple. She said “it sounds like you have found God in the same place every other prophet in the history of time has found God.”

I said, “damn you’re right!”

So I couldn’t agree more, I attend as often as possible the church of outdoors, and the serenity of the mountains.
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Re: One hour church

Post by 2bizE »

Mackman wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 12:36 pm Just think 1 hour church , then a year from now 30 minute church and then all home church !!!!!! Then they sell all ward and branch buildings then the Q15 divvy up the $100 Billion and run !!!!!! Sounds plausible to me !!!!!!!!!
Q: Do you go to a church?
A: No, I’m home churched.

I do know of a ward that only meets for 45 minutes, but it is at a nursing sense making the terminally ill suffer longer than necessary...
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Re: One hour church

Post by Angel »

Finallyfree wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 12:53 pm
Angel wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:56 pm I go to church where Jesus went, outside in the hills.

Amen!!! Amen!!!! And Amen!!!!!
I was seeing an LDS therapist several years ago that had a more open viewpoint and I expressed my struggle with the fact that I have always felt closer to God out in the mountains amongst the trees than I have ever felt in church or in the temple. She said “it sounds like you have found God in the same place every other prophet in the history of time has found God.”

I said, “damn you’re right!”

So I couldn’t agree more, I attend as often as possible the church of outdoors, and the serenity of the mountains.
Gina recently posted about show she is replacing Heavenly Father - not with Heavenly Mother, but Mother Earth. You have to be careful when getting into the tree worship things, crazy things happen in "sacred groves" haha - wasn't that half of the old testament? cutting down the heathen groves? LOL
“You have learned something...That always feels at first as if you have lost something.” George Bernard Shaw
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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