My entire family is sick at the moment. Flu, colds, you name it; we have it - and it isn't pretty. DW has often made herbal tea for the kids when they are sick to help sooth throats... or something. I've never really been a big fan of herbal tea so I have never really tried it when sick, but they absolutely love it.
Either way, all of our recent tea brewing has me thinking about the WoW.
D&C 89:
So hot drinks are bad. Which we all know has been interpreted to be coffee and tea. At some point this also included things like hot soup, but that's just crazy, so we ignore those teachings. There is no caveat for herbal hot drinks, or hot chocolate. There is just a simple blanket statement, no hot drinks.9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.
10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
While hot drinks are bad, herbs are good. It seems, according to our current cultural interpretation, that "herbs" does not apply to good old MJ but does apply to herbs used to make tea, even though that completely contradicts the preceding verse's warning about hot drinks.

How did we ever decide which verses to uphold and which ones to ignore?
I have cleaned cuts with isopropyl alcohol, but that definitely is not a "strong drink." Would bathing in "strong drink" be effective or fun? Would it smell bad? I have no experience with alcohol, so I'm not sure what to even think about that one.
I play full-contact sports and regularly get bruises. And yet, I've never once tried to use tobacco to heal said bruises.
Why do we eat meat year round rather than just in winter or times of famine?
How beneficial is it to know I'm supposed to give corn to oxen, oats to horses, rye to my fowls and swine, and barley to the "useful animals?" Where does my German Shephard fit in that list? I'm pretty sure he would pass on barley.
Also, barley for mild drinks? I've really got to get past my hangups and try some of these un-forbidden drinks, rather than just watching my family enjoy the pseudo-forbidden herbal tea.
There is not one single verse in this entire section that doesn't present problems with our modern interpretation or our current understanding of health. How does this qualify, even remotely, as a revelation from and "all knowing" or "all loving" god? It's all just BS.