It seems like its all about shopping, presents, worrying about how much gets spent on this person vs that person or me vs you.

The guy in church bragging about what he is giving his wife or kids for Christmas.

The endless parade of Christmas cards with pictures of the perfect family vacation in New Zealand and the cardboard cutout of the missionary kid that isn't with them. Trying to park anywhere. The movies about everything being ok if you "Just Believe." The virtue signaling about how much better people we are than you because of all this stuff we did for the "less fortunate" etc. etc. Oh and the same 10 sh**y Christmas songs that radio stations play over and over and over.
I try to tell myself that all that isn't the true meaning of Christmas, but the birth of Christ doesn't have the same meaning for me. It all seems like an excuse to get people to overspend so the books can hit the "black" ink.
Christmas in Mormondom is pretty much a competition to see who can outdo each other with the fanciest "most perfect family" Christmas card photo, or a long list of expensive gifts that they are giving to each other. They're highly competitive that way.
I lost interest in Christmas a long time ago. They fake smiles, the fake cheer, the "perfect, perfect family photo", the "perfect Facebook messages", the 3 page single-spaced letter about how all 9 children are perfect, perfect, perfect, all serving their missions perfectly, all marrying perfectly, everybody smiley, smiley, smiley, with perfect white porcelain veneers, and with tons of presents. I mean TONS. 9 adult children each buying at least one gift for each one of their sibling, plus all of their siblings' children, equals hundreds and hundreds of perfectly wrapped presents, prestige name brand presents.
Figure this -- if you have 8 siblings, and each sibling has at least 5 children, they you are buying presents for at least 40 people, not to mention your own partner or spouse. If you have 8 adult children, and they each have 8 children, then that's 64 grandchildren to buy perfect, perfect, presents for. Not to mention all the perfect nieces and nephews. And because prosperity means that you are righteous, you of course want to show how prosperous you are by buying the most expensive presents possible for everyone.
So - we prefer a quiet Christmas. We try to spend our money not on expensive high-prestige goods, but by doing something to help the less fortunate, or maybe we will donate to a worthy charity that help people in need in our area.
Mormon Christmas ( or even conservative Bible-thumping evangelical Christmas, with Christmas cards with Trump's head superimposed on Rambo's body, with Santa wearing a Maga hat -- sucks. I'm sorry for the rant, but it truly, truly sucks; and my heart goes out to anyone who gets dragged through it.
