Tithing settlement

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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by Hagoth »

Our balance paid to the church in tithing this year is zero.

When the bishop asked I shook my head (side-to-side as in "no") but said "yes." Bishop: "What do you mean by that?" Me: "I mean that I'm a retired part-time student and I don't have an income anymore, so I have paid 10% of zero." Mrs. Hagoth said she will be paid up by the end of the year. She has been paying her tithing from her own part-time income in the form of food and clothing for needy friends. It will be interesting to see what she ends up actually handing over to the corporation.

I have developed an attitude of "you guys go ahead and play your game, I'll just sit here on the sidelines with a cold one and watch."
But our Bp is pretty cool. He asks the financial secretaries to hand him a list of names to check off with no dollar amounts. He says, "it's between you and God." I think that's a good philosophy to extend to every aspect of religion. It's between me and God(s)/the universe/the Tao/my fellow man.
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Mahonri Moriancumer
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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by Mahonri Moriancumer »

Does anyone else have assigned times for tithing settlement? My ward does!

I received a letter in the mail about tithing settlement with my assigned time to meet with the bishop, with instructions that if I could not make the assigned time, to contact the exec. secretary to reschedule. I can't believe they actually do this in my ward! Assignments to clean the church are made the same way, except your family's name just appears in the Sunday program with your assigned week.
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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by Palerider »

Mahonri Moriancumer wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:55 pm Does anyone else have assigned times for tithing settlement? My ward does!

I received a letter in the mail about tithing settlement with my assigned time to meet with the bishop, with instructions that if I could not make the assigned time, to contact the exec. secretary to reschedule. I can't believe they actually do this in my ward! Assignments to clean the church are made the same way, except your family's name just appears in the Sunday program with your assigned week.
Just say you decided to skip the middleman and went straight to Heavenly Father (who always has time for you) and had your appointment directly with Him.

So all good here... 8-) 👍
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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by Mackman »

They schedule stuff the same way in our branch in Michigan , I always just ignore it !!!!
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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by Anon70 »

I quit going to tithing settlement a few years ago. We’ve paid via bill pay for a while and had no push back. But I read on exponent that headquarters is changing that now and bill pay donations will be reported. I immediately emailed lds donations honestly expecting them to just confirm what they had told me less than a year ago. Instead they said it depends and asked for my member record number.

I haven’t finished paying our agreed upon amount for the year (a version of on increase) but heard that mailing a check directly to headquarters won’t be reported. That makes zero sense to me. What’s the difference between a check and bill pay? And in this day and age who takes checks!? Is this because so many people have stopped paying and they’re tightening the screws on us that still do trying to get us into paying more? I know I’m going to have to if it comes to that due to upcoming temple events. Grrrrrr
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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by StarbucksMom »

Anon70 wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2019 1:17 am I quit going to tithing settlement a few years ago. We’ve paid via bill pay for a while and had no push back. But I read on exponent that headquarters is changing that now and bill pay donations will be reported. I immediately emailed lds donations honestly expecting them to just confirm what they had told me less than a year ago. Instead they said it depends and asked for my member record number.

I haven’t finished paying our agreed upon amount for the year (a version of on increase) but heard that mailing a check directly to headquarters won’t be reported. That makes zero sense to me. What’s the difference between a check and bill pay? And in this day and age who takes checks!? Is this because so many people have stopped paying and they’re tightening the screws on us that still do trying to get us into paying more? I know I’m going to have to if it comes to that due to upcoming temple events. Grrrrrr
Wow sounds like they really are getting desperate. I say put a $1 dollar bill in an envelope, and mail it to LDS inc at whatever address they take donations. Then send an email to bishop at settlement time saying you’re a full tithe payer via direct pay to SLC headquarters. The end. If spouse objects, I suggest showing them how leaks confirmed LDS Inc has 32 billion in stock market, how they spent 2-5 billion on shopping mall, and how Russ went to Africa and told starving malnourished members that to escape poverty, they just need to pay tithing. (seriously cannot even wrap my brain around that one, ADD TO OUR BILLIONS INSTEAD OF FEEDING YOUR FAMILY.) My husband is TBM but we have paid 0 tithes for about 6-7 years bc I have shared all this with him. He pays like $40-50 a month in fast offerings. (unless I answer door when deacons come, then they get a $10 check.)
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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by lostinmiddlemormonism »

Mahonri Moriancumer wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:55 pm Does anyone else have assigned times for tithing settlement? My ward does!

I received a letter in the mail about tithing settlement with my assigned time to meet with the bishop, with instructions that if I could not make the assigned time, to contact the exec. secretary to reschedule. I can't believe they actually do this in my ward! Assignments to clean the church are made the same way, except your family's name just appears in the Sunday program with your assigned week.
Send them back a letter with an assigned time to come and rake your leaves.

You can assign me to do whatever you would like to assign me to do. I won't get upset that you signed me up without my permission so long as you don't get upset when I don't do it.

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Re: Tithing settlement

Post by wtfluff »

Anon70 wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2019 1:17 amI haven’t finished paying our agreed upon amount for the year (a version of on increase) but heard that mailing a check directly to headquarters won’t be reported. That makes zero sense to me. What’s the difference between a check and bill pay? And in this day and age who takes checks!?
If you mail a check with your name and address, they will look up your membership number and attribute the payment to your name. I guarantee that LD$-inc. Will accept your check and cash it without a second thought.

Bill pay is supposed to still be anonymous, but the old "instructions" were that you had to call LD$-inc. HQ and request that they not report to local "leadership." Even then, I've heard rumors that if local "leadership" requests your payment info, they will get it.

The only way to pay LD$-inc. absolutely anonymously that I know of would be to send cash like SBMom mentioned, or send an anonymous Money Order. (Again, I guarantee that LD$-inc. is not going to "reject" such types of payment. They'll take your money no matter how you send it to them.)
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