Explain your avatar choice

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hiding in plain sight
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Explain your avatar choice

Post by hiding in plain sight »

I used to always have my avatar be something from the truman show. That movie really felt like what was happening to me in my life as I woke up to the reality around me.

The picture I have now for my avatar is of a lightning strike.

Some may think it could represent the punishment of god or a warning.

But I just liked this picture. I took it myself one evening this summer while a storm passed through. So this avatar is just because.

What about your avatar choice?
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by clean sweep »

My new avatar represents my final logical conclusion to what I consider the church to be. since I have essentially swept the church from my life my old avatar of the submarine with a broom on the con tower is not as important. That was an old navy tradition started in WWII by submarine captains who used all of their torpedoes to sink a ship. At that time my idea was that I would in a similar way sweep the church from my life. Mission accomplished and hence the new avatar. No folks I was never in the navy but was an avid WWII history reader in high school oh so long ago.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Ford Prefect »

Well, in the book of Abraham there is this picture that Joseph says is Elohim on his throne, but everyone else says it's the egyption's fertility god Min. Poor Min has suffered some abuse at the hands of Mormon historians, Joseph Smith and such. The first Min is the original one with his penis intact. The second is him with it moved up to look like an arm. In the third somone has chopped it off. Poor Min suffered like this in the "Pearl of Great Price" through much of the 20th century. Great price indeed. Finally, one day, the penis was restored (doo doo doo doo doo doo, the truth made known to man, doo doo doo doo doo doo, that God has spoken to......the......earth......., his powr is here again.....doo doo doo doo doo doo........ yuck, I always hated that overly pretentous primary song).
Last edited by Ford Prefect on Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by fetchface »

I just like NASA's solar photography.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by NotKeepingQuiet »

My old avatar was this Magritte painting. I chose it because I am a professional artist and because it represented an awakening. But I decided I needed a change. As to the new avatar, I'm a cold war baby who clearly remembers nuclear fallout drills in elementary school in the 1960's which happens to beautifully coincide with the toxicity that overtook the church at the exact same time.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Meilingkie »

It´s just myself.
So no Avatar.
My name is no secret here either.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Corsair »

Pirates. I'm just rebellious enough and not entirely trusted about the church as my ward and extended family have come to understand. Plus, my children and I enjoyed Spongebob Squarepants when they were smaller. The seerstone was added in a year ago when the church released pictures of it.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by wtfluff »

My current avatar is fairly self explanatory. What The Fluff is a slightly more "PC" version of what came to mind when I found out that the church had lied to me for over 40 years.

I'm sure my avatar will change to something even more stupider randomly.

Maybe something a little more personal next...
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by LSOF »

Joe Smith's pronouncement that there are men on the Moon that dress like Quakers is one of his most ridiculous and most easily falsified pronouncements. Therefore, I named myself after the Lunar Society of Friends (Moon Quakers, after all, insist on being called "members of the Lunar Society of Friends"), and did an image search for "moon quaker", which is how I found my avatar.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by hiding in plain sight »

LSOF wrote:Joe Smith's pronouncement that there are men on the Moon that dress like Quakers is one of his most ridiculous and most easily falsified pronouncements. Therefore, I named myself after the Lunar Society of Friends (Moon Quakers, after all, insist on being called "members of the Lunar Society of Friends"), and did an image search for "moon quaker", which is how I found my avatar.

I had no idea on your avatar. Fantastic connection. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Deepthinker »

I like science. Physics is my favorite school subject and I've studied it more as I've transitioned in my Mormon beliefs.

I'm a very positive person and that has helped me through my faith transition.

These two together in my avatar seemed to fit me well.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Mormorrisey »

Uh, it's a picture of Morrissey?
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by SeeNoEvil »

SeeNoEvil was a nickname lovingly given to me years ago by a friend and coworker who gave me the figurine of the 3 See No Evil monkey's. She said it represented my position at the company where I knew a lot of confidential information that required me to keep as such. Therefore, I closed my eyes, pretended not to hear, never told and foremost didn't dare question. When I learned the truth about the church, it's lies, secrets, and traps ... I thought of all the items on my shelf.... things I'd ignored, explained away and didn't question and thought See No Evil as a fitting user name and avatar. I've had several avatars along this line. This one shows the eyes and ears hidden and the daisy covering the mouth. On Redditt I am Galileo's Daughter which name came from the book, Galileo's Daughter, by Dava Sobel. Signing on here was a perfect time to change things but I've been SNE since 2012 so guess it will be staying.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by achilles »

I used to have a Betta named Achilles, who I acquired while I was reading Fitzgerald's translation of the Illiad.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Mayan Elephant »

I didn't choose this avatar. It chose me.

The avatar didn't specifically choose me. But when I was trekking through what was once the Land Bountiful and stepping over the corpses, well not literal corpses, but ya know, a metaphorical corpse bridge, a light descended upon me, not a light light, but a thing that's like a light and it said, "be mine," or something like that.
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Ho Lee Turtle
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Ho Lee Turtle »

Well, the image is actually a political cartoon by Thomas Nast that appeared in Harpers Weekly in January, 1886 with the caption "He thinks his shell will protect him". I always thought it was kind of humorous, especially when I first come across the term of "The Church of the Holy Turtle" being applied to Mormons; hence also the genesis of the user name to accompany the avatar.

Perhaps one day I might divulge the additional meanings it holds for me, but I'm just not there yet in my "slow" journey toward a deteriorating shell..f.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by moksha »

Takes years off my appearance and has a slimming effect.
I wish the feathers were not thinning on the top of my head.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by w2mz »

I couldn't find my picture of the pig with lipstick, so I found a pict similar to a car I had years ago. No deep meaning, I just dig old VWs. :)
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Silver Girl »

I was finally able to upload an avatar - I'd found the image a week or so ago, but needed to size it and add text.

On NOM, I had a different name, and my avatar was from the Wizard of Oz. I don't feel that username reflects where I am with things at this point. I found this new image - it seems to capture the Silver Girl look and the idea that the universe is waiting for me to sail on and (as Simon and Garfunkel said) to shine without the oppressiveness of the church in my life. My signature has a hint to my prior ID on NOM.

EDIT: As you've likely figured out, my username is from Bridge Over Troubled Waters by Simon & Garfunkle. To all of you here who were on NOM during the past few years - thank you for being my bridge of sanity and truth as I crossed over some very troubled waters. It's traumatic to learn you've been spiritually defrauded. You dried my many tears with your unwavering love and support.

FYI - I am also on Reddit, under yet another name - that way I can swear anonymously or something if I want.
Silver Girl is sailing into the future. She is no longer scared.
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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Post by Fifi de la Vergne »

Silver Girl wrote:I was finally able to upload an avatar - I'd found the image a week or so ago, but needed to size it and add text.

On NOM, I had a different name, and my avatar was from the Wizard of Oz. I don't feel that username reflects where I am with things at this point. I found this new image - it seems to capture the Silver Girl look and the idea that the universe is waiting for me to sail on and (as Simon and Garfunkel said) to shine without the oppressiveness of the church in my life. My signature has a hint to my prior ID on NOM.

EDIT: As you've likely figured out, my username is from Bridge Over Troubled Waters by Simon & Garfunkle. To all of you here who were on NOM during the past few years - thank you for being my bridge of sanity and truth as I crossed over some very troubled waters. It's traumatic to learn you've been spiritually defrauded. You dried my many tears with your unwavering love and support.

FYI - I am also on Reddit, under yet another name - that way I can swear anonymously or something if I want.
Yes, I thought I knew you ;) . I'm glad you explained your new username and avatar . . . I love it!
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