And can I just say how disgusting I find Church spokesperson Erik Hawkin's response?
Don't try and minimize people's negative experiences with this unholy practice, you jerk, and you damn well know "too invasive" questions have been and are being asked. I find his responses dismissive, arrogant, and downright insensitive. "Right amount of repentance". UnChrist-like jerk.Eric Hawkins
I think what you have found is a selection of individuals who have perhaps had that experience, or that feeling, whereas tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of others have felt very differently about the process, and about-- so as I say, from my perspective, it is always heartbreaking when I hear that someone leaves that conversation not having had that experience.
Elna Baker
Are these questions supposed to be that explicit?
Eric Hawkins
I think that would depend a little bit on the situation. One of the pieces of counsel that bishops are given is to not be too invasive, to adapt the conversation to the understanding and maturity of the young person who is there. And I think it's not necessary for a bishop to be overly explicit or probing in those questions. He wants to understand how that individual feels about what they have done, so that he can help apply the right amount of repentance, if you will.