wtfluff wrote: ↑Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:17 pm
Newme wrote: ↑Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:20 pmSo yeah, I have chosen my sexuality. We all do.
Wow... I'm not sure what to say, except: You are the first person I've ever "talked" to who claims to have actually made a conscious decision as to your sexuality, so I guess you've updated my worldview a tiny bit.
Newme wrote: ↑Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:20 pmI’m sorry but fact is fact. Just as I have a hard time respecting cult members who deny facts even when they’re plain as day, I also struggle to respect people who deny inconvenient facts related to homosexuality. Even worse when they shame or shun me or others for daring to state truths they don’t like.
As to your "facts" and "truths" and "we all do" statements, I don't think I can agree with you there. It's not possible for me to extrapolate that because Newme chose her sexuality, more than 7.5 billion other humans on the planet are exactly like Newme, and made the same conscious decision.
Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
There are a couple basic facts that cannot be denied:
1) Children need a mother and father to be conceived.
2) The anus is not designed for sex but for poop to exit.
Children should have the right to not be legally denied a mother or father.
Yet, those supporting homosexual “marriage,” do not respect this right, despite overwhelming evidence proving the importance of both mothers and fathers, and proving that children have more problems when raised by homosexual parents.
Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage ... -marriage/
Not only do we each need a mother and father TO EXIST, we also need them to thrive in this world...
"Why Children Need Both A Mother And A Father" ... -need-both
"Why Children Need a Male and Female Parent” - Glenn T. Stanton ... tanton.pdf
"Mothers' and Fathers' Socializing Behaviors in Three Contexts: Links with Children's Peer Competence"
Pettit, Gregory S.; Brown, Elizabeth Glyn; Mize, Jacquelyn; Lindsey, Eric
“Every child need a mum” – A gay man speaks out against gay marriage"
“I don’t want to see children being engineered for same-sex couples where there is either a mom missing or a dad missing,” Mainwaring explained. “Somebody needs to stand up for the rights and needs of children in an age when the selfishness of adults seems to be trumping those rights.” ... -marriage/
Kids of Gay Parents More Likely to Suffer Mental Problems, Study Shows ... tudy-shows
"Researchers found that 17 percent of children with same-sex parents had serious emotional problems compared to 7 percent of children with a mom and dad."
Study: Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Face Greater Risks
The results reveal numerous, consistent differences, especially between the children of women who have had a lesbian relationship and those with still-married (heterosexual) biological parents. The results are typically robust in multivariate contexts as well, suggesting far greater diversity in lesbian-parent household experiences than convenience-sample studies of lesbian families have revealed. ... 9X12000610
"According to data from the New Family Structures Study, led by Mark Regnerus at the University of Texas at Austin, children raised by homosexual parents are dramatically more likely than peers raised by married heterosexual parents to suffer from a host of social problems. Among them are strong tendencies, as adults, to exhibit poor impulse control; suffer from depression and thoughts of suicide; need mental health therapy; identify themselves as homosexual; choose cohabitation; be unfaithful to partners; contract sexually transmitted diseases; be sexually molested; have lower income levels; drink to get drunk; and smoke tobacco and marijuana."
Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court
“I wasn’t surrounded by average heterosexual couples,” she says in her court brief. “Dad’s partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities. I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk.” ... eral-court
Michael Glatze, ex homosexual and ex-“gay rights” leader said, “Homosexuality is death and I choose life.” Those practicing homosexuality - especially men - have much higher rates of STDS, mental illness, AIDS and other health complications associated with attempting to misuse their anatomy.
The American Psychological Association originally defined homosexuality as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-II (DSM-II), then, was harassed into changing the definition. "Led by radicals like Franklin Kameny, pro-sodomy activists attacked psychiatrists across America, as Newsweek describes: “But even more than the government, it is the psychiatrists who have experienced the full rage of the homosexual activists. Over the past two years, gay-lib organizations have repeatedly disrupted medical meetings, and three months ago—in the movements most aggressive demonstration so far—a group of 30 militants broke into a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, where they turned the staid proceedings into near chaos..."
So, the definition of homosexuality was changed from being a disorder to being normalized, not because of scientific research, but as a political move by harassing homosexual lobbyists.
The truth found in undeniable statistics is that actions based on homosexual practice make it a disorder (state of confusion) and even one that causes suffering by such confusion:
- 1. Homosexuality is not ever truly sex but involves fetishes, because sex involves the sexual organs of each, and homosexuality must resort to subsitutes... fetishes. (Fetish: any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation. ) Anal sex is such a fetish. Some fetishes cause no harm, but anal sex can cause anal fissures, anal cancer, colon rupture and bacterial infections.
2. According to the United States Center for Disease Control (US CDC), those with homosexual practices are many times more likely to contract STDs than heterosexuals.
3. According to the United States Center for Disease Control (US CDC), those with homosexual practices are many times more likely to contract AIDS than heterosexuals.
4. Also According to the United States Center for Disease Control (US CDC), those who engage in homosexual practices are more likely to have mental illness. Research also has found that, compared to other men, MSM are at increased risk of: Major depression during adolescence and adulthood; Bipolar disorder; and Generalized anxiety disorder during adolescence and adulthood. MSM are also at greater risk for other health threats that often occur in conjunction with mental health problems (i.e., co-morbidities). These include greater use of illegal drugs and a greater risk for suicide.
5. Most babies are born healthy, without disorders, including without homosexual preferences. At birth, our brains are only 25% developed. This makes us less intelligent at birth than many other mamals, however it ends up in our best interest because along with more caregiving support, we are better able to adapt to environmental influences. Under various circumstances, some such adaptations result in the development of homosexual preferences. There is no such thing as a gay gene - as mentioned in the first link above.
Evidence shows that the development of homosexual practices are more linked to environmental influences than to biology. Science does not support the claim that homosexuality is genetic.. Even Homosexual Researchers Debunk ‘Born Gay’ Urban Legend
"1. No research has found provable biological or genetic differences between heterosexuals & homosexuals that weren't caused by their behavior. 2. In 2 large studies conducted... Homosexuals overwhelmingly believed their feelings and behavior were the result of social or environmental influences. (Note that the focus of homosexual fetishes is limited to select countries, globally.) 3. Older homosexuals often approach the young 4. Early homosexual experiences influence adult patters of behavior 5. Sexual conduct is influenced by cultural factors - esp. religious convictions 6. Many change their sexual preferences 7. There are many ex-homosexuals"
The homosexual herd is trying to push its way into the public - to make this disorder that statistically proves to be harmful, be accepted. Don't fall for it. Love people, not harmful behavior. IT IS CRUEL TO ENCOURAGE BEHAVIOR KNOWN TO BE HARMFUL.
- "Tolerance applies to persons, but never to truth. Intolerance applies to truth, but never to persons. Tolerance applies to the erring; intolerance to the error." -F. Sheen