Yes, tithing is supposed to go to the poor, not be invested and then use the interest off that tithing to build huge shopping malls and high end apartments. Meanwhile, the poor are asked to sacrifice more than they are really capable of, and families give up so much time to keeping the church going, and our apostles vote themselves a hefty pay check.Newme wrote:Exactly. Hypocrisy so clear that only those in deep mind-control leader worship, cannot see it for what it is. We're asked regularly if we are a "worthy full-tithe payer" and if so we can serve and enter the temple etc.... but if not, too bad. Yet, what accountability do they have about their money that they gather? None. Not one legitimate annual tithing settlement.alas wrote:The more I have thought about this, the more I realize that the part that bothers me most is that they ask us peons to sacrifice so much and yet think they are above having to sacrifice. They ask missionaries to leave their education and pay their own way to do proselytizing and they ask senior missionaries to give up their retirement and often live above their retirement income by pulling money out of savings, sometimes to work for free for the profit making arm of the church. They ask bishops to put in what amounts to a second full time job without pay and don't care that families suffer. I have seen two bishops divorce just after they are released because their wife felt unloved. It asks people to pay tithing before rent or groceries or medicine. My in laws were paying tithing but could not pay for medicine. Did the church compensate? No, the church said "ask your children to help." So we gave in laws money, while supporting a missionary, while paying tithing. They demand extreme sacrifice from members, while they live high on the hog.
What is most disturbing is when you've been to really dirt poor countries where people are sick and dying because of extreme poverty and realize they are being denied what is rightfully theirs. According to the WHO, about 1/7 (1,000,000,000) of our brothers and sisters are chronically hungry. Often governments do not help their poor - the poor desperately need help from others. This is the primary purpose of TITHING. Deut. 14:28-29 states that about 1/3 of TITHES are to be given to those in need.
If you pick up lds scripture books and look in the topic guide or dictionary under "tithing" -you won't see that scripture. Why? Because lds church leaders disobey it. They pretend it's not part of the law of tithing. Although church money is kept dark and secret, Oaks admitted that NO TITHES go to those in need, and commanded members to pay extra for that. That's wrong. They're robbing the poor and indirectly causing many to suffer and die because of their stealing money from the "least of these."
I imagine if I were a mother of children who were starving to death (as many are). When I think of people like that, I feel the need to let members know of this horrible financial corruption in the church - and suggest they redirect their tithes in better, more honest and financially transparent ways.
My son went to Brazil on his mission, and during one very honest moment he told me he had a really hard time teaching the poor because he saw how poor they were and yet knew that they would be asked to give up food for their malnourished children in order to pay tithing. He honestly did not want them to join because of the demand for so much in tithing from those who have nothing. His American companions felt that eternal reward was worth malnourished children and questioned his faith. He in turn questioned their compassion and their Christlike qualities. Meanwhile his native companions admitted joining the church so that they could have two year of enough food paid for by Americans through the missionary fund. One even admitted that after his mission he had no intention of staying in the church. All he wanted was the two years of free food and living in a decent home rather than a cardboard and cinder block shack. My son felt guilty coming home to our middle class home and plenty of food.
These people should be paying 1/10 of their supplus, as tithing was supposed to be, not one tenth of not enough. And if they have no surplus because they cannot even support their family on what they make, then the church should be helping them, not demanding that they support fancy malls and old men getting rich off the church.