Elder Oaks Defines "Gender" for Us - In His Usual Bigoted Way

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Re: Elder Oaks Defines "Gender" for Us - In His Usual Bigoted Way

Post by fetchface »

Palerider wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:50 pm I agree with what those above have written but that wasn't the way you described your daughter's experience in California. It was definitely ambiguous. It wasn't addressing the problem as it was described in the article.
I read very well what you wrote.

That's why I asked you for clarification. Were your girls, in the story you described, using a toilet in a bathroom that had men going in and out while your daughters were in the bathroom????

Please clarify.
Apologies, I read a disingenuous question where there wasn't one.

No, it was a campground bathroom hut-type building that had probably 10 separate entrances to 10 separate bathrooms (and a few showers). About half of the stalls had sinks in them. Everything unisex.

The trend here is not to have a common unisex bathrooms with more-private stalls but to have small, individual stall-sized unisex bathrooms. I'm seeing it in fast-food restaurants as well. It works really well. Nobody cares who is using it because anyone can use it. Parents can even take their small opposite-sexed children in with them to help them and not feel weird.
Last edited by fetchface on Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Elder Oaks Defines "Gender" for Us - In His Usual Bigoted Way

Post by fetchface »

Palerider wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:50 pmdescribed in the article.
I do have to say, though, that the article was terrible. It was written from a tone of Christian fear-mongering about transgender people, which I hate with a passion. The author can't even refer to the kids as transgender, it's "children who say they are transgender." It wasn't thoughtful and it wasn't about actually trying to think the issue through and intelligently solve issues in a way that works best for everyone.

However, I do agree and feel strongly that everyone should feel private, secure, and safe when they have to use the restroom. This probably has something to do with my spending four years of public school time with stalls with no doors, and having that security robbed from me for that time. No one should feel that way.

The point is that many transgender do not feel safe either. We can easily fix this stupid system over time. We're smart enough and compassionate enough.
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Re: Elder Oaks Defines "Gender" for Us - In His Usual Bigoted Way

Post by RubinHighlander »

Emower wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:38 pm I am going to reveal something personal here.

I hate using public bathrooms.

I hate that moment when you walk in and you lock eyes with someone you know, who is sighing in relief as he empties his bladder. I hate sitting down next to a heavy breather who is laboring intensely over something 3 stalls away. I hate hearing the telltale plop as that labor signals it's success. I hate the interactions of "bob" as he claps me on the shoulder, sidles up next to me, and says "hows it goin!" as I am breathing my own sigh of relief. I hate all the sounds, smells, and interactions that happen. I walk up two flights of stairs to use the mens room that is the least busy in order to avoid some of that. Separate stalls would solve many, if not all of those problems. I dont understand why we cant get there. Sure, it might be marginally more expensive, but I think it is an expense that would be happily borne by most people. I mean, who says "I really love the communal aspect of public bathrooms?"
Yeah I'm with you on this one; hanging out with cooworkers in the bathrooms is really unpleasant at times. Especially when some big dude exits right as you enter and he just dealt with a super street burrito and now there's a stinkfest denial of service situation on the whole bathroom! The worst I ever had to deal with was my time in the army in the early 80's - some of the old WW2 barracks had completely open/no divider thrones were you had to do you business with a dozen other poor bastards! :roll:
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Re: Elder Oaks Defines "Gender" for Us - In His Usual Bigoted Way

Post by RubinHighlander »

jfro18 wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:38 am
alas wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:33 am Oaks knows that if people are really born with no clear indication if they are male or female, or with male chromosomes and a female body, that his view of the plan of salvation is called into question. That is exactly why he has fits about the whole thing. He knows that science proves him wrong and he just can’t stand to be wrong.

He wants life to be simple and it isn’t.
That's such a great way to frame what Oaks is doing, but that past really explains why most members simply refuse to look at information that proves this church isn't true while at the same time being open to new information in literally *anything* else when it comes to science, advancement in knowledge, etc.
It is somewhat sad and comical to watch this bigoted old man struggle with this issue. Packer had the same problem. Oaks being a judge in Utah's highest court, now claiming to be an Apostle for Jesus, having his dreams for winning the war against the gay community dashed in CA and then in UT by the Feds, it's got to be so frustrating to wonder why God has not answered his prayers! And now he just can't leave it alone, none of them seem to be able to just stop talking about it and they just keep digging into these social issues deeper and deeper into the abyss of ignorance. Every time they7 open their mouths about it they keep making themselves look worse, with every stupid speech they give over that pulpit, all in the name of their God. Maybe that's why there was a theme this conference about unanswered prayers, because the old Coblers are not getting the answers they want. Look how RSM threw God under the bus when he talked at BYU last month because of the POX policy/revelation debacle. They just can't leave it alone! Maybe the next generation of slightly younger board members...er Apostles will be better at just steering clear of the muddy rapid social waters.
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Re: Elder Oaks Defines "Gender" for Us - In His Usual Bigoted Way

Post by Hagoth »

fetchface wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:01 pm That's why I asked you for clarification. Were your girls, in the story you described, using a toilet in a bathroom that had men going in and out while your daughters were in the bathroom????
This question has nothing to do with me, but I will describe the bathroom I mentioned in Ireland which was at a major tourist attraction. It was arranged like a restroom in the US but Men, women, and children of both genders were all using the same restroom. there was a wall of stalls that contained only toilets. I'm pretty sure there were also urinals. Everyone used the same row of basins for hand washing. Once the surprise wears off you realize these people are just going to the bathroom and that we have unnecessarily politicized the most basic function that all humans share, next to breathing, eating and drinking water, the last two of which were also politicized along lines of skin color until the mid-20th century.
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Re: Elder Oaks Defines "Gender" for Us - In His Usual Bigoted Way

Post by Hagoth »

jfro18 wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:38 am That's such a great way to frame what Oaks is doing, but that past really explains why most members simply refuse to look at information that proves this church isn't true while at the same time being open to new information in literally *anything* else when it comes to science, advancement in knowledge, etc.
Unless it has to do with the health benefits of tea and coffee. That's when Satan is at the steering wheel of science.
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