For the bishopric part, boss-man has asked us to do mini-trainings from the church handbooks in place of run-of-the-mill spiritual ponderings. So towards that end I had been reading random sections from handbook 1, when I came across section 3.5.9 on burial clothing. Here is one paragraph just for funsies:
Note that this is the improved version where the woman's family can choose whether or not her face is veiled. Yay Progress!A man’s body is dressed in temple garments and the following white clothing: a long-sleeved shirt, necktie, pants, socks, and shoes or slippers. A woman’s body is dressed in temple garments and the following white clothing: a dress (or a skirt and blouse), socks or hosiery, and white shoes or slippers.
Temple ceremonial clothing is placed on the body as instructed in the endowment. The robe is placed on the right shoulder and tied with the drawstring at the left waistline. The apron is secured around the waist. The sash is placed around the waist and tied in a bow over the left hip. A man’s cap is usually placed beside his body until it is time to close the casket. The cap is then placed with the bow over the left ear and the cap string attached to a loop of the robe on the right shoulder. A woman’s veil may be draped on the pillow at the back of her head. The matter of veiling a woman’s face prior to burial is optional and may be determined by the family.
The section goes on to say that in some areas, funeral home employees are the ones who will close the casket and that in that case endowed members should remain present to ensure that the clothing is properly in place until the lid is shut.
Also noteworthy, if the region of burial requires bio-degradable clothing, they are available for order through distribution services.
My thought is... WHY?
What purpose does this serve? So that we'll all be dressed exactly the same after the resurrection? So that we don't have to change clothes before ascending into heaven?
Obviously the women's veils are so that men with multiple wives have an excuse for mixing up or completely forgetting their wive's names when they claw their way out of the mud. But other than that, I see no scriptural need for any of it. Especially the bio-degradable option. Humiliating burial styles, and then post-resurrection nudity? Its the worst of both worlds.