What is your experience, with Prayer, but having a bible in hand, while praying?
I have lately set aside, my Religious issues, and concentrated only on Prayer, with a bible in hand, and I have been, given answers to prayers, several times now. It is not easy, but, I literally had to pray hard to the Lord, when in life crisis, opening up the KJV, right to the answers. I have had problems with the bad spirits, messing me over big time, even at times, having me at the lowest points of my life, but I got some answers. I do know for a fact, that Jesus really exists, from a few times, when I have had Intervention, that saved my life. There is a bit that is true in the LDS church, but I still have issues, with Eternal Marriage, for one thing.
Where are you in your Journey, on this Earth, and how are you today ??
The Direct Approach, to the Lord - KJV & Prayer
Re: The Direct Approach, to the Lord - KJV & Prayer
Good questions.Geocacher wrote: ↑Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:22 pm What is your experience, with Prayer, but having a bible in hand, while praying?
I have lately set aside, my Religious issues, and concentrated only on Prayer, with a bible in hand, and I have been, given answers to prayers, several times now. It is not easy, but, I literally had to pray hard to the Lord, when in life crisis, opening up the KJV, right to the answers. I have had problems with the bad spirits, messing me over big time, even at times, having me at the lowest points of my life, but I got some answers. I do know for a fact, that Jesus really exists, from a few times, when I have had Intervention, that saved my life. There is a bit that is true in the LDS church, but I still have issues, with Eternal Marriage, for one thing.
Where are you in your Journey, on this Earth, and how are you today ??
I don't think I've ever tried to pray holding a bible.
I heard a few of my Pagan and New Age friends say they use the bible for protection. I don't think they are actually reading it, and I know they don't consider themselves Christian. But if the bible calls to you, it can be a powerful tool.
I would fall asleep on my bible during early morning seminary all the time. That was back in the 90s when body glitter was cool. So basically my bible is full for glitter, silver eye-shadow and blue mascara smudges. (I was a weird theater kid)

...walked eye-deep in hell
believing in old men’s lies...--Ezra Pound
believing in old men’s lies...--Ezra Pound
Re: The Direct Approach, to the Lord - KJV & Prayer
Please share your intervention experience.
It sounds fascinating.
Prayer for me was a way to dump all my thoughts out on whatever issue was on my mind which always seems like confirmation that I was making right decisions.
I’ve come to think of it now as useless and talking to myself but I’m always open to learning about others experience.
I’ve also prayed for dumb things which may be part of the problem.
It sounds fascinating.
Prayer for me was a way to dump all my thoughts out on whatever issue was on my mind which always seems like confirmation that I was making right decisions.
I’ve come to think of it now as useless and talking to myself but I’m always open to learning about others experience.
I’ve also prayed for dumb things which may be part of the problem.
“It always devolves to Pantaloons. Always.” ~ Fluffy
“I switched baristas” ~ Lady Gaga
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” ~Rosa Luxemburg
“I switched baristas” ~ Lady Gaga
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” ~Rosa Luxemburg
Re: The Direct Approach, to the Lord - KJV & Prayer
One of my biggest issues was desiring a direct connection to God. Not listening to another conference talk, or going to that fireside. I haven’t used the Bible like you’ve described, but really seeking the connection to the Divine. I’ve found that connection. It’s been inside me all along. It’s what I thought came from the church but instead comes from my own inner intentions and beingness.
This has actually allowed me to trust myself more. The church doesn’t want you to trust yourself.
This has actually allowed me to trust myself more. The church doesn’t want you to trust yourself.