Utah’s ‘most successful Pride Festival ever’

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Utah’s ‘most successful Pride Festival ever’

Post by sunstoned »

I was at the pride parade in Salt Lake City on Sunday. It was huge! I am a member of the Human Rights Campain and a proud to be a ally of the LGBTQ community, and I was blown away by LQBTQ support that I experienced this weekend: https://fox13now.com/2019/06/03/2019-wa ... ival-ever/

Since Joseph Smith, all major "revelations" from the chuch have come about because of social pressure: The end of Polygamy and the end of the priesthood racism are two prime examples of external pressure forcing a revelation. From what I have seen this weekend, there is enough momentum that I believe that if TSCC wants to survive, it will need to embrace full fellowship of the LQBTQ community and support full Women's rights, including priesthood ordination. I am thinking this will happen within the next ten years.

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Re: Utah’s ‘most successful Pride Festival ever’

Post by moksha »

My daughter and her boyfriend went to the Pride Festival and said it was really nice. She said many of the festival goers were Mormons and they were very supportive.
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Re: Utah’s ‘most successful Pride Festival ever’

Post by sunstoned »

From my vantage point, the crowd was very supportive. There was a spectrum of support: Young people, families with strollers, couples, older people (my catagory). My take away from the whole expreience was to be who you reall are. It was really cool.
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Re: Utah’s ‘most successful Pride Festival ever’

Post by Rob4Hope »

I wished I could have gone. I work right smack in the middle of downtown SLC, and it would have been nice to rub shoulders with this group.

Back in the day, frankly, I was a TBM homophobe. It wasn't until later when I met and interacted with my ex-bishop gay friend that my feelings changed. He spent his entire life trying to "overcome this affliction": shock therapy, other aversion therapy, a marriage which failed, becoming and serving as a LDS Bishop where men came to him begging for answers and he himself had nothing to offer, and finally facing and going through a vicious and painful excommunication and divorce. That all changed my mind.

I've held my friend in my arms and felt his body racked with horrible pain and anguish. Those pains were not because he was "sinning". They were because he was gay in the first place, and was being told he was a flawed human being, headed to hell for being different, and struggling because all of the prayers, all of the fasting, all of the scripture reading, all of the "therapy", all of the priesthood blessings, -- ALL OF IT failed. He just didn't have "enough faith"...because after all, "God wouldn't create something like that"...according to BKP.

Yeh right.

The LDS church can go #!?&#! itself over this.

Its wrong for the church to hurt people in the name of Christ.
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