JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

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JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

Post by justpassingthrough »

This is one of those "I'm not sure where to share this, so I guess I'll go to NOM" posts. I browse MormonLeaks every few months and learned they now released documents from other religions as well. They recently released the handbook used by JW leaders. I didn't spend much time looking at it (and there is definitely some screwed up stuff re: shunning and interactions with non-JWs) but I looked at what they taught on sexual immorality and they're much more permissive (i.e. not as repressive) than the Church. Masturbation is expressly ok'd (as is coppin a feel). They also say that if a couple getting close to marriage dry humps a couple times there's nothing to worry about. Like, my goodness, it's a very conservative set of rules for sex and it's still better than ours in some respects.

I always thought JWs and Scientology was insane. It's always eye opening when I see my benchmark for insane seems more reasonable than my church.

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Re: JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

Post by BriansThoughtMirror »

Thanks for posting this! I've spent a lot of time learning about Jehovah's Witnesses, mostly because it was interesting to analyze a similar (in many ways, at least) religion without being personally involved. It helped me see I wasn't going crazy.

That policy is really interesting! I bet we'd have a lot fewer mental problems within the Mormon ranks if the church had a similar policy. I look forward to perusing that handbook- it's been talked about a lot within JW forums in the past.
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Re: JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

Post by oliblish »

justpassingthrough wrote:Masturbation is expressly ok'd (as is coppin a feel). They also say that if a couple getting close to marriage dry humps a couple times there's nothing to worry about.
Wow, that is surprising to me.

Although I would guess most Mormons with temple marriages did most if not all of the above without too much trouble from the Bishop. (I know I did. Of course I didn’t mention most of it to him).
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Re: JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

Post by 2bizE »

Is it OK to dry hump after you're married?
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Re: JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

Post by oliblish »

2bizE wrote:Is it OK to dry hump after you're married?
If you feel bad enough that you have to ask, then you shouldn’t do it.
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Re: JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

Post by Reuben »

How does this square with Pillowgate?

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Re: JW's Manual Seems...More Reasonable on Chastity

Post by 1smartdodog »

I think few organizations have weaponized sex to their advantage more than the church.

Of course I am just as opposed the the Hollywood version of sexual relations.

Somewhere in the middle seems rational.
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