Conversion Therapy Article

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Conversion Therapy Article

Post by achilles »

Hi guys.

A few weeks ago I was wondering whether I ought to do this interview with my college newspaper about my experiences with reparative therapy. I decided to do it, and had a wonderful conversation with the author of the article. She did a great job at expressing my thoughts and feelings about it. I am posting a link to the article here: ... idnt-pass/
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Re: Conversion Therapy Article

Post by Reuben »

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I hope one day you'll be able to put your name on your story, achilles.
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Re: Conversion Therapy Article

Post by Anon70 »

It’s heartbreaking at times reading how you felt and why you tried to change yourself. I hope this article and your words get a large audience. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Conversion Therapy Article

Post by Hagoth »

That's an excellent article, Achilles. I'm so glad you did the interview.
In 2013, Lisonbee wrote that “living a homosexual lifestyle may cause individuals to choose to commit suicide.”
The first time I read this quote I think there was visible steam coming out of my ears. It is difficult to comprehend the stupidity behind such a thoughtless comment.

I also have doubts about the church's sincerity in apparently supporting the bill. Governor Herbert shot it down and from what I have seen, Herbert is a pawn of the church. He actually said in a TV interview that he thinks the church should have final say about things like medical marijuana, regardless of what the voters want.

I think the church has had enough public embarrassment lately that they are putting on a friendly face in public but working behind the scenes with different goals. Just look at how they fought Prop 2, and then took credit for it as a Christlike act of compassion when they failed but managed to get it altered.

I have no doubt that the Dallin Oaks contingent of church leadership still believes in and supports conversion therapy and would happily make it mandatory if they could. I wanted to put a fist through the wall when I real Oaks' statement that "we are conscious that there are abuses and we don’t accept responsibility for those abuses." This is the kind of hypocrisy that I hate above all things, considering that he personally supported the most severe form of conversion therapy at BYU. The church doesn't deny that they believe in, support, and participate in these kinds of practices, they just don't "accept responsibility." This fits the pattern of his previous statement that, "the Church doesn't seek apologies and we don't give them.”
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Re: Conversion Therapy Article

Post by Red Ryder »

Great interview!

I would have stayed anonymous too. There's just too many crazy people out there and this way you control your own narrative.

Thanks for the link.
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