Hi again

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Hi again

Post by Josh »

Hey everyone - I guess I was away for a while because it seems this is NOM 2.0, right? Are the old posts archived out there somewhere? What happened?

Just as a reintroduction - I was raised in the LDS church, but not BIC (mother faithfully attended and served in callings, but was never a member and father was a longtime inactive member - maybe was a deacon at one time). Regardless, I was baptized at 8 - was active off and on thru teenage years and eventually skipped a mission but married in the temple in my early 20's.

I'm a non-believer since about 2012. I used to read the comments section on the SLtrib and decided to research some of the awful things that the anti's kept posting about JS on every Mormon related story. (That was my first step down the rabbit hole - and my de-conversion took place over a few weeks time)

DW is a regular temple worker and attends the 3 hour block alone each week. We just don't discuss things on a deep level anymore. All 4 kids are adults now - half inactive half TBM

As far as the ward and extended family are concerned I'm just inactive and that's probably the best scenario right now to keep the peace and keep relationships healthy.
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Re: Hi again

Post by Corsair »

Unfortunately we do not have access to the archives on the old site. I do not actually know if they exist at all any longer. The old site was run by Thayne. As far as I know Thayne wanted to move on from Mormonism entirely and simply let the old hosting lapse. So a few of us picked a new domain name and set up some hosting. We're glad to have you back, but it would take a real prophet to restore the original NOM.
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Re: Hi again

Post by Hagoth »

Welcome back, Josh!
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain

Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
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