Sunday Logistics

Discussions toward a better understanding of LDS doctrine, history, and culture. Discussion of Christianity, religion, and faith in general is welcome.
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by nibbler »

Linked wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 1:31 pm
MerrieMiss wrote: Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:40 am Primary is terrible. The stake decided no more snacks for Nursery because two-year olds need more time for doctrine. No more singing happy birthday to the kids because they need more time for doctrine. No more fun songs because they only have time for doctrinal songs. I wish I were joking.
That is awful. Nursery and Primary need more understanding that they are dealing with children and less pushing of doctrine.

I have been fortunate in my ward, the primary leadership has kept the balance with fun songs and the music leader has really kept the kids engaged. Although, better church is not necessarily what I am looking for...
I honestly believe some people's mindset is that everyone needs to be more strict in their observances and more focused on everything having a gospel purpose (focus on church business at the expense of building a community), otherwise people will be too weak spiritually and end up falling away. They may be oblivious to the fact that this turns lots and lots of people off, they may even use the fact that people leave as proof that they were weak, then the cycle continues.
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by græy »

nibbler wrote: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:55 pm I honestly believe some people's mindset is that everyone needs to be more strict in their observances and more focused on everything having a gospel purpose (focus on church business at the expense of building a community), otherwise people will be too weak spiritually and end up falling away. They may be oblivious to the fact that this turns lots and lots of people off, they may even use the fact that people leave as proof that they were weak, then the cycle continues.
I was surprised at the number of comments I heard, both directly and indirectly, expressing concern about the two hour block. "How will the children who aren't being taught at home deal with it?" "How can we stay strong with 33% less church?"

Some members of our ward council even wanted to organize a ward-sponsored child-exchange program so that children who weren't getting the Come Follow Me lessons at home could have FHE at more faithful households. Luckily TBM bishop shot that one down.

Some people really can't imagine that life is OK without a constant barrage of "prophet wisdom." In their mind, if you reduce scripture study by 10%, or church attendance by 33%, then your overall happiness will decrease by the same.

I have so many friends who aren't religious at all who have happy, healthy marriages, and happy, successful kids. Church is not required.
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by FiveFingerMnemonic »

græy wrote:
I have so many friends who aren't religious at all who have happy, healthy marriages, and happy, successful kids. Church is not required.
This is a bigger cause of cogdis than church history facts in my opinion. At least it was for me. Watching my former active friends live better more fulfilling lives with 2 day weekends was a more influential way to break the programming.
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by nibbler »

græy wrote: Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:21 am Some members of our ward council even wanted to organize a ward-sponsored child-exchange program so that children who weren't getting the Come Follow Me lessons at home could have FHE at more faithful households. Luckily TBM bishop shot that one down.

My ward came up with having a Book of Mormon study group that meets for an hour on Sunday. That way church can be 3 hours for the people that really, really need it to be 3 hours.
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by græy »

nibbler wrote: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:35 am My ward came up with having a Book of Mormon study group that meets for an hour on Sunday. That way church can be 3 hours for the people that really, really need it to be 3 hours.
:lol: I just can't... fathom. Why can't we all just go home and rejoice that we're NOT at church?
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by moksha »

I wonder if life in ferociously strict LDS families has become even more hellish due to the new Sunday home study time. I suppose time will tell. Some years from now the children of such families will talk about it.
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by græy »

moksha wrote: Thu Feb 21, 2019 11:44 am I wonder if life in ferociously strict LDS families has become even more hellish due to the new Sunday home study time. I suppose time will tell. Some years from now the children of such families will talk about it.
It somewhat has in our house. DW is pretty adamant about nightly scripture study. Our younger kids don't understand scriptural language at all so she reads to them from the comic-like scripture stories book... and demands that the rest of us are present for that. I've at least talked her into skipping the chapters that talk about God killing kids, or commanding prophets to kills kids, or other acts of extreme violence in the name of God. After which we have a separate reading session with older kids from the real scriptures.

The second session used to be easy enough for the kids just to read their assigned verses and then put the books down and move on with their night. But now it involves a lesson manual, personal notebooks, and nearly-mandatory written notes to answer the questions from that night's study section. :| The kids and I hate it, and it often leads to fights with the kids which leave everyone frustrated and angry. But DW presses on because "it will make us happier." :roll:

The nights when she is out of the house are awesome. I don't want to not do scripture study and lie to her, so instead I read one single solitary verse and ask the kids what they think. Sometimes they have nothing to say and that is the end of it. But I've been surprised at how often this simple act has spawned some really meaningful conversations. DW has missed all of those because in her mind we're not living up to our spiritual mandate if we don't do the whole lesson.
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Re: Sunday Logistics

Post by Linked »

My in laws have brought up their home study several times over the past couple months. MIL pointed out some helpful things she had seen online to DW. Sis IL showed us the workbooks her kids were doing. DW and I complemented their work and thanked them for the ideas, and continue to parent the way we did before. I need to talk to DW to make sure she is ok not measuring up, but I think she is pretty happy not bothering with the suggested home study program.

We still spend time with our kids. We talk with them and teach them. I found out a girl has a crush on my DS last night and he is handling it pretty well. He is learning to research things he is interested in online with me or DW with him. I think we are doing ok without the workbooks and journals.
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