Grappling with God

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Grappling with God

Post by GrapplingWithGod »

Hello everyone!

I used to visit the old NOM forum as "Finally Free" and was so sad to see it disappear. I'm so glad that you've brought it back to life. It's a great community that needs to exist! I just wanted to officially introduce myself and say hello. I was very anguished when I first found NOM several years ago, but thankfully I've found a lot of peace since then. I completely quit church, then started up again, then quit again, then started up again, then quit. It was all very hot and cold. Now I attend off and on as I choose. I take the good and leave everything else. Also, I'm bolder at speaking out than I was. I am in the process of telling the whole story of this evolution at I'm so glad NOM is back up and running. It was a very helpful and transformative place for me and I look forward to spending more time here.

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deacon blues
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Re: Grappling with God

Post by deacon blues »

thanks for the introduction. we are all in a different place, and we all have a different pace, but we can travel along together toward the same destination. :D
God is Love. God is Truth. The greatest problem with organized religion is that the organization becomes god, rather than a means of serving God.
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Vlad the Emailer
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Re: Grappling with God

Post by Vlad the Emailer »

Welcome Grappling.

I haven't read your blog, but I like your username.

I hope you'll spend some time amongst us and chime in sometimes.
When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest. - Anonymous

Say what you want about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying. - Kurt Vonnegut
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Re: Grappling with God

Post by Hagoth »

It's good to be aware that God cheats when it comes to one-on-one grappling, as we learn from the Old Testament Jacob. Watch your hip sockets!

Welcome (back) to NOM!
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain

Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
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Re: Grappling with God

Post by GoodBoy »

I feel the same way where I feel like, "I can make it work!", then "No I can't" off and on again for the last few years. I'm currently in the "no I can't" cycle. Who knows what is next.
Always been the good kid, but I wanted to know more, and to find and test truth.
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Re: Grappling with God

Post by Newme »

GrapplingWithGod wrote:I take the good and leave everything else.
That is the heart and soul of NOM which I love.
IMO, It's the best way to approach most things, really.
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