Does truth really matter?

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Red Ryder
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Re: Does truth really matter?

Post by Red Ryder »

Linked wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:26 am There has been a lot of discussion on the definition of truth in this thread, appropriately.

What about the definition of "matter"?

RR, what do you mean by truth mattering?
I'm just wrapping my head around "truth" and I'll admit this has been on my mind all week. Now your asking me to define matter too?

I'll rely on the definition here.
verb -
be of importance; have significance.
"it doesn't matter what the guests wear"
synonyms: importance, consequence, significance, note, import, moment, weight, interest
Hmm, if I replace matter with a different synonym it changes my perspective slightly.

What if I rephrase my question:
Does truth have consequences?
Does truth have importance?
Does truth have significance?

I would say yes to the above.

Does truth matter?

I still say no based on discussions above. I align with Jfro18 and Dogbite fairly well.

How do you define matter?
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Re: Does truth really matter?

Post by Red Ryder »

dogbite wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:04 am
Red Ryder wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:39 am
dogbite wrote:Truth can matter, individually, but it doesn't matter inherently in human life generally so far. That may change.
What do you think will drive that change? People become more educated and tired of the current bullsh#t in society/politics and start to think about stuff and vote with their wallets and feet?
My guess would be the merging of mind and technology in pursuit of economic viability of the individual. But that's heavily influenced by my biases such as my view of the likelihood of the singularity, hard or soft. Assumes that close matching of your worldview and data collection to reality makes you more economically viable and productive. That is not necessarily true in much of our economy today. Consider Pro Sports, entertainment, for example. Disproportionate success and influence for often nearly illiterate world views.

Sociologically, the rise of social institutions replacing the function of religion in diverse societies will contribute but more slowly and less completely. Read Big Gods for more on that. Societies that persist in monolithic religiously based structures will be less economically strong and slower to adapt.
That makes sense to me. I'll have to read Big Gods.

One of the best things about open discussion here on NOM is learning from each other's recommendations and thoughts. I've started a reading list for after I finish watching Ozark!
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Re: Does truth really matter?

Post by Linked »

Red Ryder wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:58 am
Linked wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:26 am There has been a lot of discussion on the definition of truth in this thread, appropriately.

What about the definition of "matter"?

RR, what do you mean by truth mattering?
I'm just wrapping my head around "truth" and I'll admit this has been on my mind all week. Now your asking me to define matter too?

I'll rely on the definition here.
verb -
be of importance; have significance.
"it doesn't matter what the guests wear"
synonyms: importance, consequence, significance, note, import, moment, weight, interest
Hmm, if I replace matter with a different synonym it changes my perspective slightly.

What if I rephrase my question:
Does truth have consequences?
Does truth have importance?
Does truth have significance?

I would say yes to the above.

Does truth matter?

I still say no based on discussions above. I align with Jfro18 and Dogbite fairly well.

How do you define matter?
I asked because it seemed like we are all answering a different question, partially because "matter" wasn't well defined. I think there are several meanings to matter. A few:

Matter cosmically - important in the long term fate of the universe.
Matter emotionally - important to a person's current emotional state
Matter persuasively - important and effective part of changing someones/some people's mind(s)
Matter personally - important to a person's current and future state

Matter cosmically: The truth is all that matters cosmically. It completely determines the long term fate of the universe(s). If what the mormon church teaches is true then the long term fate of the universe will either have us in polygamous unions populating planets or being TK Smoothies or gnashing our teeth with Satan and co. If the universe is a simulation then the long term fate of the universe is the simulation ending and everything vanishing. If the universe is what it appears to be then the long term fate of the universe could be the heat death of the universe. With that said, any person's knowledge or acceptance of the truth doesn't matter cosmically at all.

Matter emotionally: Truth is not the most important thing to a person's emotional state. I think our perception, our brain chemistry, what we ate for breakfast, what we read on the internet most recently, and the emotional states of people around us are more important than the truth to our emotional state. Though Reuben has mentioned a few ways the truth can matter emotionally. Cognitive dissonance, wanting to be right, etc. Also, knowing the truth about what causes our emotional state can matter emotionally, allowing us better control over it. But truth takes a back seat to the other inputs typically.

Matter persuasively: This is where truth most seems like it doesn't matter. People and groups have built worldviews with defenses against changing. If there is enough uncertainty around truth then people will typically keep the status quo worldview. Sometimes even when it seems like the truth is certain and obvious to one person, another person may resist it. But I am here on NOM because truth matters persuasively. r/exmormon has like 110,000 subscribers in large part because truth matters persuasively. So while it may not matter persuasively immediately to everyone, it does matter some.

Matter personally: I think this is a mix of matter cosmically and matter emotionally. Stuff like gravity matters personally. Knowing the truth about gravity helps a person ensure their survival. Knowing the truth about investments helps a person avoid being scammed and give themselves the best chance for financial growth.

There are more, and I'm sure you can expound on these better than I can.
Last edited by Linked on Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Does truth really matter?

Post by Linked »

Regarding mattering cosmically, considering the truth can be depressing if you feel like the physical world is all there is. And feel really nihilistic for better or worse. Rick and Morty said it well:


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"I would write about life. Every person would be exactly as important as any other. All facts would also be given equal weightiness. Nothing would be left out. Let others bring order to chaos. I would bring chaos to order" - Kurt Vonnegut
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