Giants in Ohio Burial Mound!

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Giants in Ohio Burial Mound!

Post by moksha »

By Bradley Lepper
Posted Jan 27, 2019 at 4:00 AM

Have the skeletons of giant humans ever been found in Ohio’s ancient mounds? Is there evidence that various Old World peoples came to America centuries before Vikings arrived on the shore of Newfoundland?

Two months after the stone was unearthed, Everhart announced that it also was inscribed with hieroglyphics — “chiefly Greek, commingled with Phoenician and Etruscan.” Everhart published an account of these sensational discoveries in his “History of Muskingum County,” expecting that it would boost sales of the book. He included a letter signed by several participants stating that nine giant skeletons had been found ranging in size from 8 to 9½ feet tall “by actual measurement.” ... ds-ummm-no
Unfortunately, Everhart pulled a Trump and never paid his construction crew, so they reported him. That is why there is no corresponding Everhart Church today.
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Re: Giants in Ohio Burial Mound!

Post by RubinHighlander »

Such frauds were common in the 19th century when the science of archaeology was in its infancy
Familiar theme.
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Re: Giants in Ohio Burial Mound!

Post by Hagoth »

Sadly, these stories continue to be circulated by modern Mormons of the Heartland variety as evidence for the Book of Mormon. The white giants mythology was alive and well in Joseph Smith's day, as evidenced by his brother William's claim that the Urim and Thummim were so huge Joseph could only look through one lens at a time (Saints Herald, March 9, 1882, p 258).
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Re: Giants in Ohio Burial Mound!

Post by græy »

I just finished the Dan Vogel interview on MS. I need to read more about these mound builder myths. The urim and thummim being so huge was always a weird shelf item for me. How did Jews who came across the ocean suddenly get so big?

Oh... wait...

Urim and thummim is from old testament times. OT talks about giants. Ta-da! Church is true again!
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