So the next question is what to teach? There are several places to go and study all the things the church is wrong about or to do a deep dive into church history but the post-mormon community has little to offer in the way of a positive replacement for what the church does offer, community, teaching guides, support system etc. Even if I don't like their stuff, and it gives me a rash, I don't have a replacement to offer up. I looked into some other churches early on in my FC, but didn't like any of them. It felt like out of the frying pan into the fire.
DW suggested that we do the "Come Follow Me" lesson and discuss it. She also offered that I didn't have to agree with, testify to, or even read things I didn't feel comfortable with. She also suggested that this would give us an opportunity to have a voice in this program that will be presented through seminary, mutual and church meetings anyway, since we are still 110% active.
I agreed, her argument seemed sound and I don't have anything else to offer.
Where the hell is the ex-mormon family home evening guide? (Maybe I should start one