49 minutes into SM

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Red Ryder
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49 minutes into SM

Post by Red Ryder »

49 minutes into this Christmas Sunday service and the returned missionary is still talking about the back country rednecks he taught in Mississippi.

The ward choir looks mad.
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by crazyhamster »

Spirit of the Season, and all that!

Still, try to have a happy Christmas! At least more than the ward choir!
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glass shelf
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by glass shelf »

Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a judgmental 20yo with a lack of understanding of cultural differences. Whose genius idea was it to let him speak? #lighttheworld
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by 2bizE »

At that age, too many think the earth evolves around them.
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Red Ryder
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by Red Ryder »

It was actually a great talk for a missionary return and report. Just not on Christmas Day.

He spoke about the 10 things he hated, explained that he was overly anxious being forced to talk to people who didn't like them at all, and how Jesus helped him grow up.

The ward choir pulled through at the end.

We all went home 2 hours happier!

The Ryder's are going to the movies. That vacation card comes in handy.
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by MalcolmVillager »

Our BP (who can be as long winded as any I have seen) emailed everyone that SM would be 1 hour today. He was the only speaker after many less than inspiring musical numbers. He stepped to the podium with 10 minutes left, including a song and prayer.

I leaned to DW and said there is no way we get out of here on time.

It was a Christmas miracle! The message was short, and great, and we ended on time.

Back home to take a long winters nap after a way too late night and too early morning!
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by Korihor »

We are back in Utah for the holidays and went to church with my folks. My Mom was quite sentimental to have some of her children and grandchildren with her.

SM was 98% awesome. They did a special Christmas program with songs from the primary and ward adult choir.
They said they were reading Utchdorfs 2010 Christmas devotional talk verbatim, so not a lot of original material but it was nice. Good Christmas songs and no talking of JS or any other hero worship. It was really nice, I was really enjoying it.

My only complaint, the BP is the last speaker. He talks of Jesus in front of Pilate and the people didn't believe him so they demanded to crucify him. They didn't know who he was.
"Today some people despise him, some don't care about him, some think he was an inspired teacher but not divine, some think he is like an angel, but only 15M out of 8B on this earth truly worship him as the son of god and our savior."

Dammit, so close to an ideal sermon, yet so far.

But if this was the only sour part, I'll count my blessings.
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by Silver Girl »

Korihor wrote: "Today some people despise him, some don't care about him, some think he was an inspired teacher but not divine, some think he is like an angel, but only 15M out of 8B on this earth truly worship him as the son of god and our savior."
This makes me furious. Early on in my brief time in the church, some idiot got up and claimed that only Mormons have the atonement. I would LOVE to send a letter to that stupid bishop you quoted and let him know how very wrong he is. In the LDS church, Jesus comes after JS, every other prophet, the Q-15, the SP, bishops and anyone else in control. He is an afterthought - not the focus of the doctrines.

Seriously - send me an address.
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by Korihor »

Silver Girl wrote: Seriously - send me an address.
Will do, I planned to do something similar in the new year. Although it upsets me, it's not worth ruining another Christmas.
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by Corsair »

I had a shockingly good SM today. It featured exactly one hour of Christmas songs with a 5 minute speaker in the middle who gave a message that any good Christian would appreciate. Then I spent the rest of the day eating too much food with family and friends.
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by The Beast »

Today some people despise him, some don't care about him, some think he was an inspired teacher but not divine, some think he is like an angel, but only 15M out of 8B on this earth truly worship him as the son of god and our savior."
Yep, Mormons are the only one who get it right. We're so frickin special.
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Enoch Witty
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Re: 49 minutes into SM

Post by Enoch Witty »

We went to an Anglican Christmas Eve service and it was really great. Great music with lots of participation (which is important to me). The sermon was a little long (I have patience for five minutes, though, so take that criticism with a grain of salt. It probably didn't even go over 20 minutes), and communion took forever, but they at least had Christmas hymns to sing during that portion. The whole thing was a bit too ritualistic for my tastes (I'm a casual, freewheeling guy over here), but I was there for the music, and it was overall wonderful.

Then SM the following morning was eight or nine highly iffy musical numbers by the various ward groups: primary, RS, EQ+HPG, YW, YM. No soloists or anything. Just the various groups singing. Only the normal congregational hymns (opening, sacrament, intermediate, closing); nothing extra for attendees to sing. The music was not great, but there were no talks or readings, so we'll call this one a win.

My TBM wife and I agreed that we're pretty much always going to find Christmas Eve services at other churches now. She also mentioned doing the same for Easter. The stark difference between the Anglicans and the Mormons was remarkably apparent. She put this down to the Anglicans having professional clergy/staff/choir (unverified if the choir actually gets paid; if so, I want in). I put it down to Mormon incompetence in my area (I was part of a great holiday stake choir as a youth, so I know it's not all Mormon congregations that are this lame).
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