Another move, this one looks very permanent

This is for encouragement, ideas, and support for people going through a faith transition no matter where you hope to end up. This is also the place to laugh, cry, and love together.
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Raylan Givens
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Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:09 am

Another move, this one looks very permanent

Post by Raylan Givens »

Well, I gone and done it. I bought my wife her "25 year house" I think my DW has moved over a dozen times in the last 12 years (before and during our marriage). So her statement of a 25 year house is big.

I have been pretty upfront with my previous Bishops. In the Ole Peublo, they don't care and make me the YM's president :?: . I am in Salty, so this is different.

Suggestions on how to approach this new move, keeping in mind I will be stuck for a long time. I am looking to stay mildly involved and make good friends. My DW and I usually have lots of parties, inviting all types to them. Sometimes my buddy brings leaded beverages for all to enjoy. I provide Coke and ginger ale.

I really just need good babysitters ;)

Also, I may actually have a few students in my ward. Junior high kids will be excited about that :lol:
"Ah, you know, I think you use the Bible to do whatever the hell you like" - Raylan Givens
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Re: Another move, this one looks very permanent

Post by Corsair »

This is a good question that may be relevant to me in the coming year or two. My wife is starting to think about moving.

This probably needs to be a balancing act based on your wife's desired activity level versus how understanding your bishop and ward leadership it. You probably should meet with your bishop in a friendly, private conversation. Set up some boundaries as well as how often, if ever, he can expect to see you at church. I am guessing that you want to avoid most/all callings including home teacher.

Clearly you are making commendable plans to stick with your wife. What level of activity does she expect and hope for with you? I'm interested in how much activity and attendance you plan to have. Access to a ward with babysitters is no small thing so it sounds like you want to keep up good relations with the religious community.
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