The good old G's. Such a conversation topic whether you're a believer or not.
I was hesitant to stop wearing them for a while. I had my shelf break last summer and I mostly stopped wearing the a few months ago. One main reason I continued wearing them for as long as I did was to maintain commonality with Mrs Kori. But after wearing heathen underbritches and realizing what I had been missing my entire life, it was very hard to go back and forth between G's and Satan's Support.
Chaffing has virtually been eliminated in my life. The G's bottoms are absolutely terrible now that I know better.
Even as a TBM, I didn't wear the top while sleeping. I don't have much concern with wearing it as an undershirt, but I couldn't stand sleeping in it. I felt like I was being strangled and woke it with it twisted backwards every night.
I still wear G's if we don't do laundry in time. I don't have a lot of heathen apparel yet, by my wardrobe is growing.
Now I find G's top to be terrible because they are either too short or too long. If they are too short, they come untucked from my pant waist by my dress shirt remains tucked in. This results in an excessive bunching of the Garment inside the dress shirt just above the pant waist- making the dress shirt poofy at the waist area.
Of couse I could afford to lose a few pounds and that would likely help wit the problem.
At any rate, I'm done playing stupid games with underwear of all things and I'm gonna use what I want. I'm trying to slowly edge Mrs. Kori to stop wearing them, but she simply likes them (which baffles me). So this could be tricky. Also, Mrs Kori is rather frugal with certain things. She couldn't justify going out and buying heathen underwear when she has perfectly good polygamy underwear at home - such a waste.
Lastly, we are spending Christmas with my folks this year, it's a big family get together and Korihor isn't going to be lounging around in G's. I'm sure it will garner some raised eyebrows but I glad to represent!
Reading can severely damage your ignorance.