Please exercise your priesthood authority and power to bless others. Are you providing blessings? Our brothers and sisters need and deserve to be blessed by Heavenly Father thru your action.
“The same priesthood power that created worlds, galaxies, and the universe can and should be part of our lives to succor, strengthen, and bless our families, our friends, and our neighbors.”—Elder M. Russell Ballard
Ward Temple Night - Nov 30 (Friday): 6pm Session - Please arrive early
Ward Christmas Party - Dec 1 (Saturday) @ XYZ Church of Jesus Christ building: Kids Crafts, Santa, and Holy Land tasting table from 5-6pm. Dinner @ 6pm followed by primary program.
Church Cleaning Schedule:
2 families
2 families
2 families
2 families
2 families
Elders Quorum Social - Dec 15 (Saturday) @ 6pm at Brother XYZ House. Husbands and Wives.
ELDERS QUORUM DISCUSSION (Nov 25) - Doctrine, Principle, and Application - Lead: President ABC
As a special event this day, Sister DEF, Stake Relief Society President, presented a special message related to President Nelson's talk in conference on the name of the church. She organized the teachings of the Church into three categories: Doctrine, Principles and Applications. Doctrine: things we need to know, but they don't really prompt us to action. (Such as the Father and the Son are two separate and distinct individuals with bodies of flesh and bone.) These are the doctrines that matter. Principles; these direct us as to what actions to take. Applications: how to do these actions. This can vary from individual to individual, and with the circumstances and needs of the people to whom we're ministering.
President Nelson, in his conference address, said “It's time for us to go by our proper name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” We're not “Mormons”; we respect Mormon and study the book he left us, but we don't worship him. If we follow these instructions with an honest and faithful heart, true to our covenants, we will know how to handle the situations that arise. Brother MNO mentioned that we first have to understand our covenants. This can be done by regular temple attendance to renew our covenants, as well as partaking of the Sacrament.
The difference between doing things out of convenience or covenant was stressed. Come January, we'll be making sure the gospel is taught in our homes. Will this be out of convenience, or covenant? It has been said that an extra hour on Sunday doesn't mean an extra hour of football.
We're here to learn how to live and function in an exalted, Celestial environment. The above is a framework in which to achieve this education.
A couple “takeaways” from this discussion: Role play with your kids so they'll know how to respond when asked, “Are you a Mormon?” President HIJ said we could study the Book of Mormon in the framework of doctrine, principle, and application.
DEC 2: Quorum Council - Focused on how to invite neighbors
DEC 9: GC Lesson Topic - TBD
DEC 16: GC Lesson Topic - TBD
DEC 23: First Presidency Topic - TBD
DEC 30: 5th Sunday combined meeting to rollout Missionary Plan
Monthly EQ updates
Monthly EQ updates
I still get a recurring update from my EQP. Here is this weeks message.
- IT_Veteran
- Posts: 565
- Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:36 pm
- Location: California
Re: Monthly EQ updates
Role play with your kids on using the proper name of the church? Mormons can be silly creatures.
Re: Monthly EQ updates
Maybe role playing with the kids would be fun if you could get them to play some Dungeons and Dragons.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
Re: Monthly EQ updates
How tedious
- glass shelf
- Posts: 366
- Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:27 pm
Re: Monthly EQ updates
I'm always a little shocked to remember that I used to think these kinds of things were perfectly normal.
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:40 am
Re: Monthly EQ updates
Role play??! Shudder.
Re: Monthly EQ updates
The same priesthood power that created worlds, galaxies, and the universe can and should be part of our lives. Here's a brush, go scrub a toilet.
We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
– Anais Nin
– Anais Nin
Re: Monthly EQ updates
Gotta start small. Heavenly Father himself, when he was a deacon in his Mormon ward during his mortal probation, first exercised his priesthood power by hitting up other members for fast offerings.
Learn to doubt the stories you tell about yourselves and your adversaries.
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:37 pm
Re: Monthly EQ updates
Wow you have an overzealous elders quorum president. I’m still going to elders quorum but I can’t stand the lessons.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Monthly EQ updates
I really like your EQP.
You don't have to talk to him, see his face or respond to the request.
Delete the email and have a beer on me.
Happy ........
You don't have to talk to him, see his face or respond to the request.
Delete the email and have a beer on me.
Happy ........
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.
- Just This Guy
- Posts: 1551
- Joined: Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:30 pm
- Location: Almost Heaven
Re: Monthly EQ updates
The nice thing about e-mails is it is simple to setup a rule to automatically send them to your spam folder.
Then if by some chance someone ever asks if you got a message, you can say that it got eaten by your spam filter will full honesty.
Then if by some chance someone ever asks if you got a message, you can say that it got eaten by your spam filter will full honesty.
"The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams
Re: Monthly EQ updates
Yes, I'm sure a Heart Attack will get them back in the pews.
Elders Quorum Summary and Next Principle Discussion
Dec 6, 2018
Observe to be kind. It is easy to fall into negativity during this time of year - Pay attention to how you act and treat others. Make it a priority to do something nice for your wife and other family members.
“Our love for spouse, parents, and children is reflected most powerfully in our thoughts, our words, and our deeds.”—Elder David A. Bednar
Elders Quorum Social - Dec 15 (Saturday) @ 6pm at ABCDEFG House . Husbands and Wives.
Church Cleaning Schedule:
NAME was called and set apart as quorum instructor; another will be called at a later date. These will lead us in the discussions on the second and fourth Sundays under the new schedule; we had our last “counseling” meeting this day. Under the new schedule, there will be no more “opening exercises”; we'll go straight to our quorums or Sunday School.
President EQP quoted Elder Bednar's talk from conference on how individual strands, woven together, make a rope of great strength. Our ward mission plan, which we'll go over this third Sunday, will include seeking out all inactive Elders. It was stressed that we need to keep it simple, natural, no force, just go and introduce ourselves. Do we know their names? This applies to our neighbors as well, and non-members. We need first to be their friends. The question was raised as to how we track these efforts; it was decided that this could be done in the Personal Priesthood quarterly interviews.
NAME related how he had been going around his neighborhood and introducing himself. We were reminded that “loving our neighbors as ourselves” is the second great commandment. NAME mentioned he had met some neighbors at a garage sale, and they're having dinner together today. This time of year is a good time to get acquainted, being the Christmas season and all. Brother NAME noted they may not be ready to join the church, but may be ready to be friends. NAME noted how, on a special occasion he gave a blessing of comfort and peace to a non-member neighbor, who still remembers that and comments on it. It was brought up that if we have lemon trees, only 2 of us do, that taking a sack of fresh lemons which are ripening this time of year, is a good way to meet neighbors. Include a recipe for lemonade.
One fun thing to do; give your neighbors a “heart attack”. In Fast and Testimony meeting, FEMALE told how she had noticed a bunch of paper hearts tacked to her garage door; each heart had an encouraging message on it and it made her feel very loved and appreciated. Anonymous acts this time of year are popular; Christmas baskets for needy families were discussed.
DEC 9: Believe, Love, Do (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf) - Discussion Lead: NAME
DEC 16: Taking upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ (Elder Robert C. Gay) - Discussion Lead: TBD
DEC 23: No 2nd or 3rd hour - Sacrament Only
DEC 30: 5th Sunday combined meeting to introduce Missionary Plan
- Not Buying It
- Posts: 1308
- Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:29 pm
Re: Monthly EQ updates
Says the man who was either unable or unwilling to heal the young cancer patient he brought along to the Christmas devotional. Don't talk to me about how you wield the power that "created world, galaxies, and the universe" when you don't seem to be able to do anything the tiniest bit remarkable with it.“The same priesthood power that created worlds, galaxies, and the universe can and should be part of our lives to succor, strengthen, and bless our families, our friends, and our neighbors.”—Elder M. Russell Ballard
"The truth is elegantly simple. The lie needs complex apologia. 4 simple words: Joe made it up. It answers everything with the perfect simplicity of Occam's Razor. Every convoluted excuse withers." - Some guy on Reddit called disposazelph