In Mormonism, celestial marriage (the one spouse version of today) in the temple is the most important goal of a returned missionary and his future bride. I was counseled by my mission president to not delay marriage, to find a woman to be spiritually compatible, to have children, and live happily ever after (while attending weekly church, meetings, callings, going to school, working full time, paying 10%, and wearing garments for the rest of your life).
Temple marriage and garments have become a co-dependent form of commitment to the church and to each spouse. Or better yet, the celestial threesome marriage of one man, one woman, and one church (that claims to represent God).
In the context of a temple marriage, is it appropriate to conclude that if one spouse removes the garment from their body, that the other spouse should feel betrayed? Is this betrayal the same as infidelity? Obviously, taking off the garments is a blatant rejection of the commitment to the endowment. But should it be considered a blatant rejection of the temple marriage?
For me personally it's not. I still hold my marriage commitment sacred. I still hold the idea of being together for eternity sacred. Although I don't worry about the details of the after life (if it exists) like I used to. It's a nice idea that helps me stay focused on unity as a couple and mutual respect even when one of us farts too much.

Yet, in retrospect I think removing my garments has created a sense of betrayal that has evolved into symptoms of? I don't know the word without getting too deep into the details which I'm purposely avoiding. I think the loss of my faith in her eyes, coupled with removing the fundy undies has created a deep level of resentment with detachment on emotional and intimate levels. Maybe we've been at an impasse for too long.
Has anyone else struggled with a spouse in a similar matter?