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I left her name because she deserves credit for her missive into the darkness of the "decaying moral fabric" brought upon by people who just want to have companionship and family (like I imagine Sara also does for herself...)To the editor:
Homosexuality is not natural. All living things demonstrate that male and female perpetuate the species. No scientific research has found any homosexual genes that lead to particular sexual practices, asserting “a-homosexual-is-always-a-homosexual” excuse for homosexuals. Sexual perversions are learned behavior through combinations of experimentation and instruction.
Consequently, homosexual orientation emerges in developmental stages associated with all manner of “coming-out-gender-identities” presented as a civil rights platform. The homosexual movement uses propaganda “in-your-face” assaults to spread its deceptive ideology and further its agenda on a massive, societal scale. They saturate churches, schools, communities, businesses, homes, and the media, trumping truth, morality, and facts. They desire acceptance of a practice that destroys the natural family and ruins lives, fraying apart the moral fabric of society. Machiavellian in nature, sugarcoated catch-phrases such as “friends accept friends for who they are” are employed by homosexual drama kings/queens to deliberately beguile us into adopting a homosexual lifestyle as acceptable. Blind acceptance of homosexuality to radically transform American society is their goal.
Propaganda is an art and a science: “... it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders” (Herman Goehring at Nuremberg trials). Mind warfare designed to program us to “normalize” homosexual practices can be recognized in numerous ways, such as “Bandwagon” and “Name-Cal|ing” techniques, among others that cloud our judgment and emotions. A negative label such as “homophobic” is a classic example of using pejorative names and loaded words to arouse emotion. Thus, homosexuals sow fear, confusion, and prejudice to achieve their ends. We begin to lose all sense of rationality when our emotions are manipulated by propagandists exploiting us to their advantage. Tactics include: how to divide and conquer, pit small groups against each other, pander to the masses (‘dumb it down’), make grandiose and loud statements — the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
“The Overhauling Straight America” by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen guides the homosexual campaign to sweeping social engineering changes, using techniques originated in communist China. The meat of the blueprint for applying sophisticated psychological strategies includes desensitization. jamming, and conversion.
By interweaving the fraying threads together to restore the moral fabric of our nation, we can thwart their runaway radical transformation of our American way of life and culture, protecting future generations from destructive forces of the homosexual movement. We should always be steadfast and vigilant, resisting “Manchurian Candidate” propagandistic tools that bombard us and reveal a sinister attempt to convert the psyche of the American people in a covert takeover of America.
Sara Kitchen
♫Sara! Sara! Storms are brewing in your eyes...♫