Historically, the word "pox" has been associated with the terrible worldwide plague of smallpox, caused by the virus Orthopoxvirus variola, a potentially fatal communicable disease. Infection by the virus was caused by breathing in air droplets from too close contact with other infected persons. The wikipedia article says this:
Close contact was important--you could avoid catching smallpox by avoiding infected persons.It was transmitted from one person to another primarily through prolonged face-to-face contact with an infected person, usually within a distance of 1.8 m (6 feet)
I have noticed that certain older members of the Q15 genuinely believe that being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender is an evil choice made by evil people, who see this "depravity" in others and desire to partake. Our youth are even susceptible to recruitment--to infection. It is very important to limit contact between the Saints and those who live these corrupted "lifestyles". They have grudgingly claimed that being LGBT is a "complex reality" for a certain number of people, but do not actually believe it. E Oaks' talk a month ago in GC was laden with this belief. In order for his talk to actually make sense, you have to approach it from this perspective (otherwise the Plan of Salvation is a complete failure because it consigns a fairly consistent percentage of God's children to lesser glory, completely without their agency).
I think E Oaks quite simply believes that if LGBT people wanted Celestial glory, they would just choose not to be LGBT. It's that simple in his head. (Otherwise, he fails as a follower, disciple, and Apostle of Christ because he is perfectly willing to allow the one sheep to perish in order to save the ninety-nine. And he is happy to "forbid" the little ones to come unto Christ... maybe he is actually that terrible? I have a hard time imagining it, but it seems to be the only explanation I can come up with...)
These older members of the Q15 have watched in great alarm as LGBT people have come out of the shadows and been accepted as they are by good people. They have watched in even greater alarm as our LGBT brothers and sisters have formed stable relationships and family units, and have shown by example that they are just like every other family blessed by God. They saw these unions and families as a dangerous pox or cancer, threatening to undo decades of teachings that their desire to love and be loved, and to have families, is altogether evil and represents a wholesale rejection of Christ's Atonement and the Plan of Salvation. What could be done about this?
These LGBT members and their families are a cancer. They must be cut out. They are a pox, and we must quarantine them away from the body of Christ lest it be infected and die. The only thing to be done is to cut these families out. If thine right eye offend thee, pluck it out.
The irony of the Policy is that it has become a pox on them and the Church. It forced many of the Saints into a cognitively dissonant examination of the place of LGBT people in the Church, and to question the goodness of the Church and the "inspiration" of the Brethren. It has caused others to have an even lower regard for the LDS Church (and with good reason...) and its members.
There was an immediate effect of the POX, an acute illness--fever, headache, malaise... Then things went quiet. But much like other viruses that hide within the host's DNA, this is a virus that hides within the Body of Christ--causing cumulative damage over time. How many families will be driven away? How many good LGBT folk and their children will never trust the Church again? Little by little, how many people will awaken to the horror of this policy, coming to a dreadful understanding that it is incompatible with Christ's teachings?
And how many Saints must maintain a twisted justification for the Policy in their minds, at great cost, in order to keep the illusion alive? In order to maintain their belief in the goodness of the Church, in the inspiration of the Prophets?
On a personal note, it was three years ago today that I finally understood what E Oaks thought of me. What E Nelson thought of me. That I finally understood their plans for me--to cut me out in order to save the Body of Christ.
They actually did me a big favor that day, because I was holding on year after year trying to make it work. Nov 5 2015 made a swift end to that.