First, is this a new website? My old login didn't work. I was active on here a lot 2 years ago.
Anyway... I was never mormon, but the wife was (widowed), and has been out for close to two years now. We recently went to a family eagle scout award and found out that:
Our 18 year old eagle scout nephew is engaged (ring and all) to the Bishops psychotic daughter (who is 17)!!! Im not making this up folks. This girl is seriously off her rocker, and the mother (bishops wife) has a very unhealthy relationship with the nephew. According to the nephews mother (my sister-in-law) he gave her the ring after speaking to the bishop because she can't handle him being gone for two years, and the bishop approved this whole thing as a way of keeping her sane while he's gone.

The wife and I thought is was a HUGE no no to be engaged before a mission? This particular ward is big, and the bishop is a psychiatrist for the US Army down at Ft Bragg. Can someone shed some light on this? Have things changed? Beyond this little hoebag being pregnant, we are in total shock. The nephew is an good kid and he's throwing his life away with this girl.
Merry Christmas to you all....