Loyalty or Faith?

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Loyalty or Faith?

Post by Brent »

Odd question: Are fervent believers more likely to have great Faith or great Loyalty?
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Red Ryder
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Re: Loyalty or Faith?

Post by Red Ryder »

Depends on what the Brethren tell them in general conference! :lol:

As a believer I thought I was exercising faith in Jesus Christ and the Gosepel. This leads to blindly following the prophet which developed my faith in the institution and sealed my loyalty to the brethren. Unknowingly, I was reinforcing the bind to the brethren in the name of living righteously!

As an unbeliever, the pattern above is now obvious.
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Re: Loyalty or Faith?

Post by wtfluff »

Faith in... What?

Loyalty to... Who, or what?
Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions. -Frater Ravus

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Re: Loyalty or Faith?

Post by Linked »

Interesting question. I don't think these aren't mutually exclusive.

Having great faith is the same as having great loyalty to a specific worldview. If I have faith in "the church", then I am loyal to the worldview that the LDS leadership speak for God, so I am also loyal to LDS leaders.
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Re: Loyalty or Faith?

Post by didyoumythme »

Great faith is loyally holding to a specific worldview despite evidence to the contrary. The church teaches that faith = loyalty to the organization.

Elder oaks demonstrated his great faith when he remained loyal to his leaders and accepted the priesthood ban, despite ‘not feeling confirmation that any of the reasons were of God’.
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