Bremguy wrote: ↑Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:13 pm
I have brought up my past drinking, drugging, and smoking in my distant past, some 29 years ago. I have gotten some funny looks. I have also mentioned I traveled to Haight Ashbury a few times in my teen years and tried some of the local culture. LOL My background is NOT the typical LDS type, no mission, convert, etc. I used to drag race, both legally and some street.
Some people will bring up that Church is a hospital for sinners and the like, but it ends up being more like an art museum, all nice and pretty. When life isn't always kind or favorable to one.
Thanks for your post Bremguy. I hadn't actually thought about it in this context when I made my earlier post (I was thinking more about disagreements in doctrine and belief), but your spin on it gives me something to think about.
Confessing our sins/weaknesses is yet another area of the church that is weird. On the one hand we have D&C 59:12 ("on this, the Lord's day, thou shalt...confess thy sins unto thy brethren"), on the other hand we are told (during my days as a missionary the missionary guidebook specifically said this) that we shouldn't share our sins (current or past) with others as it is not helpful. For most of us it isn't a surprise that the church yet again doesn't follow its own scriptures.
I believe the instruction not to share past sin increases guilt for many, especially those who are not mature in their faith (church leaders would probably think this is a good thing), at the expense of getting support and help for the sinner.
When I was in high school the young mens president told me about a time right before his mission. Apparently he had smoked marijuana many times but had repented of it and was preparing to leave to the MTC. Not long before he left he found a marijuana pipe (not sure if it was his or a siblings) and he knew that if he heated it and sucked on it he would get some residual marijuana that was left in it. He said he was very tempted to do this. His response was to pray to ask for help in overcoming the temptation. His story has stuck with me because it showed his true self, and is a good example of the power of prayer.
I suppose when it comes to sharing sins the Lord's admonition to not "cast your pearls before swine" comes to mind. The knowledge and strength each of us has obtained in overcoming our sins are pearls. We shouldn't share those personal experiences with just anybody, but I definitely think there are times when we should share. Looks like this is yet another area where I disagree with the Brethren.
Despite my doubts about the mormon church, I still believe it is good to mourn with those who mourn and comfort those in need of comfort. I'm going to make a point to share my own weaknesses (past or present) with those that are struggling, with the hope that it will provide some comfort and help to them.