LDS corp reading posts and following people

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LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Rob4Hope »


I became more aware over the past few days that LDS corp has a big spy network out there, probably a host of people at HQ whose job it is to scour the internet sites, looking for patterns and people/movements to identify miscreants and create files to track them. The ultimate goal is to contain the 'cancer' as they would see it.

I'm sure this is being read by someone at HQ who is paid to do it. To you I want to say the following:

1. You probably don't care one way or another about the LDS theology--you are paid to do a job. I don't blame you for that; its your "boss" that is to blame for being two-faced and deceitful.
2. Most of us out here on these sites have very good reasons why we are critical and angry at the LDS church: we've been lied to. We've been taught we would go to Hell if we didn't pay, pray and obey. Can you understand for a moment--with any empathy at all--why we may feel justified in our feelings?
3. Whoever you are, if you had a child (for example) who joined the Moonies or Scientology, and then left and were viciously vilified and austricized, would that not in any way cause you concern?

I'm appealing to your humanity...and like I said, I have enough empathy to even suspect you are probably just doing a job.

But I want to ask you this (and this is extreme but makes a point): were the people who worked in concentration camps during the Reign of Terror--were they justified for just doing their job?

Get out while you can. The organization you work for justifies their methods as being "Christlike"...but it isn't like Christ to hurt someone.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by IT_Veteran »

I heard about this pretty early in my exmo experience so, at first, I was pretty careful. Now I don’t care as much if they track me down and report me to local leadership.

Frankly, I think I’m small potatoes. My family knows where I am with the church. My mom actually believes it would be better for me (in an eternal perspective) to be excommunicated than to resign.

And I’m on the Mormon Stories group on FB now, so I’m sure if they find anything to convict me of, it’ll be on there.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Corsair »

I would probably enjoy the experience of being confronted by my bishop or stake president if my postings are really being examined by church HQ. My church activity has been pretty boring and this might spice things up.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Palerider »

I've found it interesting that many of the topics discussed on this site show up in the form of explanation or rebuttal (very poor rebuttal) in the Mormon Living magazine/website within a short time of our discussing them here.

I think that's much more than a coincidence.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by slavereeno »

Meh, what are they gonna do? Excommunicate me? That would just solve a ton of problems for me at this point, but they don't do that I think the worst they would do is skip you over for some major calling, or write a stupid apologetics piece on some of the topics. COB, knock yourself out.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by moksha »

I think Scientology has been doing the surveillance and dossier business for some time. The only trouble is that the more the LDS Church emulates the KGB, the more it detracts from the religious purpose of the Church.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Ben Davis »

I’m not crazy about the idea of surveillance. Hate it actually.

I would say however that it is good journalism to do research in order to stay relevant by producing articles on subjects folks are talking about. Leading the conversation to feed confirmation bias of believers instead of asking to think critically, well that’s akin to brainwashing in my book.

I would love for the church to stand for truth however hard it may be. But then it becomes more difficult to sell...
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Red Ryder »


My name is Fred Harman and I'm in the Langendorf 3rd ward. My current calling is typing up the sacrament meeting program, ministering to 3 families I've never met, and weekly confessions to my Bishop regarding chronic nocturnal emissions from uncontrollable dreams about Elder Uchtdorf's plane stories. I love long walks along the temple grounds, watching reruns of general conference with President Kimball, and eating stake tacos in times of non-famine. I've written 37 Ensign articles that have never been published to date. I've been to Nauvoo 15 times, baptized for the dead 312 times, and initiated only 1 time. I can't stand the repetition of the shallow gospel but ironically found counting ceiling tiles in the chapel overflow to be brain soothing during sacrament meetings.

I've given my heart and soul to the church and in return have received more shame and guilt than one man should ever have to endure in a lifetime. I've patiently removed all layers of Mormonism having started with the polyester polygamy panties and have found NOM helps with the residue from years of intangible religious benefits stuck in my head.

I'll be happy to complete an exit interview with the Correlation Research Apostles & Prophets (aka the CRAP leadership) as soon as I get a full refund of all my past tithes and offerings.

Fred Harman, aka RR
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Reuben »

Red Ryder, I... I think I love you.

Platonically. Please don't imagine me being in the plane stories.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by MoPag »

Palerider wrote: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:46 pm I've found it interesting that many of the topics discussed on this site show up in the form of explanation or rebuttal (very poor rebuttal) in the Mormon Living magazine/website within a short time of our discussing them here.

I think that's much more than a coincidence.
Really? I had never noticed that before. Maybe we should start critiquing their articles for them. :D
Red Ryder wrote: Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:04 am
My name is Fred Harman and I'm in the Langendorf 3rd ward. My current calling is typing up the sacrament meeting program, ministering to 3 families I've never met, and weekly confessions to my Bishop regarding chronic nocturnal emissions from uncontrollable dreams about Elder Uchtdorf's plane stories. I love long walks along the temple grounds, watching reruns of general conference with President Kimball, and eating stake tacos in times of non-famine. I've written 37 Ensign articles that have never been published to date. I've been to Nauvoo 15 times, baptized for the dead 312 times, and initiated only 1 time. I can't stand the repetition of the shallow gospel but ironically found counting ceiling tiles in the chapel overflow to be brain soothing during sacrament meetings.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sometimes I like to think that at least a couple COB spies are really on our side-like the ones feeding MoromonLeaks all their cool info. And they dream of breaking free and joining our NOM ward.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by græy »

Red Ryder wrote: Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:04 am I'll be happy to complete an exit interview with the Correlation Research Apostles & Prophets (aka the CRAP leadership) as soon as I get a full refund of all my past tithes and offerings.
LOL! You're the goose the keeps on giving. I love your posts!
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Rob4Hope »

I HOPE there are some LDS spies on the inside that help the Mormon Leaks project.

If the church were so honorable, what do THEY have to hide?
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by FiveFingerMnemonic »

At this point I fantasize about the stake president coming across my posts and confronting me about it, but I know it will never happen. I can back all my stuff up with BYU RSC articles anyway. That place is a treasure trove.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by blazerb »

One person I knew "monitored" members' writings for the church. This was a couple of decades ago. He was not living in SLC, though. At that time, he did not seem to have much empathy. I should clarify, he did not say much. Just told a few of us one day that he did it. I would like to hear what he has to say today. From what he shared with me, some of his beliefs would have raised eyebrows in the COB. The nature of faith crises has changed in the last 20 years, in my opinion. Back then, I just did not know enough in context to be able to doubt. I think that was true for a lot of us. The internet is a game changer.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Not Buying It »

Oh, I think they monitor us, and probably do try and figure out our identities. But I doubt very much they would pass that information on to our local leaders. Can you imagine the bad press they would get if it got out that they were monitoring member's anonymous online activities and pulling people for discipline over what they put in discussion groups? Doubt it would be worth the hassle.

To our friends in the COB - hi! We know you are watching. Hope you are enjoying this conversation. Feel free to join if you feel so inclined.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by MerrieMiss »

It was a sad day when I reflected how much my in-laws would love being called on a SCMC mission (let's hope such a thing doesn't exist!) so they could do all the gossiping and lurking on facebook that they already do, but get the good feels that they were doing it for god and the church. I honestly think they would love it. I think it's a sad reflection on the people who do it and the church that endorses such behavior. As others have said, I'd love the day when a church member approaches me about it. The tattling aspect of the BYU honor code is a particular sore spot with my husband. Bring it on, folks, bring it on.
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by wtfluff »

Not Buying It wrote: Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:41 am Oh, I think they monitor us, and probably do try and figure out our identities. But I doubt very much they would pass that information on to our local leaders. Can you imagine the bad press they would get if it got out that they were monitoring member's anonymous online activities and pulling people for discipline over what they put in discussion groups? Doubt it would be worth the hassle.

To our friends in the COB - hi! We know you are watching. Hope you are enjoying this conversation. Feel free to join if you feel so inclined.
While it may not be actual "COB" employees, there are folks out there who do "monitor" sites like NOM and other DAMU sites, and do find out identities, and do in fact pass information on to local leaders.

I have personally met someone who has had this happen within the last few weeks. (Not someone from NOM, but another site we refer to often...)
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by Hagoth »

The more the merrier, I say. My name is Kellan Hatch. I'm in the Sandy Willow Creek 7th Ward. Please report me and answer this question once and for all 😀
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Re: LDS corp reading posts and following people

Post by moksha »

Rob4Hope wrote: Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:44 pm If the church were so honorable, what do THEY have to hide?
What if God wanted you to tell and maintain fibs? Check out this FAIRMormon theme song:

Every lie is sacred
Every lie is great
If a lie is wasted,
God gets quite irate.

Let the Lutherans reveal theirs
O'er mountain, hill, and plain
God shall strike them down for
Each truth that's told in vain.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
-- Moksha
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