At the ward chrsitmas party like

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At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by Korihor »

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Zack Tacorin
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by Zack Tacorin »

Haha, thanks Kor. It's always good to have a nice chuckle before going to sacrament meeting. :)
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by Korihor »

How I roll in SM
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by Corsair »

Korihor wrote:How I roll in SM
That's a BYU honor code violation, you heathen.
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by MalcolmVillager »

I wore no tie to church for the first time in 30 plus years today. We sat and watched stake conference on TV in the RS room with the wild kid families. Each of my girls and DW all asked to leave early at one point or another. I am not sure why I insisted on staying to the end and helping put away chairs.

Maybe I just wanted to torture them more so if we ever get to the not going anymore stage they will thank me.
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by Korihor »

Corsair wrote:
Korihor wrote:How I roll in SM
That's a BYU honor code violation, you heathen.
As noted by corsair, that really is me.

I went to SS and got a stress headache. Talking about the book of ether will do that to an apostate. I asked a few questions meant to highlight an incongruity. I doubt I was successful.
To counter my stress headache, I went to Circle K for a Coke. I also picked up an extra for my good friend in the ward. I'm literally drinking it during EQ.
Also, donuts are 1/2 off after 1:00. So I bought 12 and brought them to share in EQ. And there was much rejoicing.

No one complains if I drink a super gulp during class if i bring them donuts.
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by 2bizE »

Wasn't it fast Sunday?
That scores double points to bring donuts on FS.
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by Korihor »

2bizE wrote:Wasn't it fast Sunday?
That scores double points to bring donuts on FS.
Yes it was Fast Sunday. My wife reminded me of that on our drive home. Whoopsie

Follow up story. I arrived with donuts while everyone was still in opening exercises. I set the donuts on a chair so people could grab them as they came in. The EQP was one of the last to arrive. He saw the donuts and smiled and said "Cool, who brought Donuts?"

I smiled and said "Bro Steve", pointing to my friend sitting next me. The EQP smiled and thanked 'Bro Steve'. I thought he caught the joke.

Fast forward to today. MY EQP sends out his weekly email. It recaps the last week, shares current announcements and outlines the coming week lesson and plans. Honestly, it's kinda nice he does it.
Anyway, in the notes for last week, he thanks "Bro Steve" for bringing dounts! HAHAHAHA - Everyone knows it was me except the EQP!

I get all the credit from the grateful brothers and none of the condemnation of the leadership for ruining their fast.
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Re: At the ward chrsitmas party like

Post by Korihor »

Also, I just noticed in that email the lesson on Dec 25 (Christmas Day) will be based on a random talk from GenCon2016. :(

At least I wont be there - headed to Morridor
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